
Busy Week

This was a VERY busy week for Cameron. Really, help me understand how he has appointments and he is only 8 weeks old! From Cameron's first Gymboree class to his first Birthday Party this week was crazy. Cameron really liked his Gymboree class. There are 8 kids in his class and he is almost the youngest (there is one other baby that is 2 weeks younger than him). We did tummy time, played with bubbles and sang several songs. While Cam was playing with the other kids, mommy was able to meet other mothers and get the scoop on what's to come. I can't wait until next weeks class! One of Jante's coworkers invited Cameron to his daughters First Birthday party. Emma is the cutest little girl! We all had a great time. Cameron was such a good boy at the party. He sat there in amazement of everything that was going on. I can't wait to start to plan his birthday party.

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'