
A Momma's Boy

I can already see that Cameron is going to be a Momma's Boy. Because Cam and I are together everyday he is so used to being around me. Before I had him I read that babies that are carried around in some type of carrier against their mother's chest are 52% more likely to have fewer breathing problems and improved motor development vs. babies who are not carried often. You know I took that literally and part of our daily routine calls for me to carry him around at least 90 minutes a day (usually when we take Prince for a walk around the subdivision). Plus this affords me an opportunity to get some things done around the house. He also knows whenever I come in the room. In the evening when he is with Daddy and I come in the room he immediately looks around for me. I told Jante' that's because he is a Momma's Boy and he wants to be around me whenever he can!


Cam's Room is FINALLY Ready

It's been a long time coming but Cameron's nursery is finally ready! From the very beginning Jante' said he wanted Cam's room to be a sports theme (of course) so I started my research and found the cutest sports themed linens. The issue (just like the crib itself) is it takes so long to get these items to come in. Interestingly enough it took no time for the majority of the items but for some reason the valance and blanket took an additional 3 weeks. I have no problem with the sports theme as I hope Cameron is involved in as many activities as possible. I just don't want him to get caught up in ALL sports and NO school work - there has to be a balance. If it were my choice I would prefer him to play Baseball or Basketball vs Football. This way if he is very good and go's Pro we get Guaranteed money!


The Best Father in the World

While I know that it is a Father's job to help out with their children I can honestly say I did not expect Jante' to do as much as he has been with Cameron. Obviously I expected him to do the basics, but he has gone above and beyond the call of duty. From spending every evening with Cameron when he gets off work (so that I can take a break after a long day) to telling me constantly how proud he is of me for being a good mother. Because of that Cameron and I had to make this Father's Day very special for him. To celebrate Cameron (and I) gave him a "Daddy De-Stress Package". The package was broken into 3 parts, Look Good (new clothes), Feel Good (spa services), Eat Good (healthy food). He was very surprised and loved his gifts. Jante' told me that having Cameron was the best thing that has happened to him since marrying me. I asked him to tell me what having Cameron and becoming a father meant to him. Here is what he had to say, "Having a son is the greatest feeling a father can have. I can't wait to watch him grow up and develop into a man and pursue his purpose in life. I know that Kim believes that I want that purpose to be sports but honestly I will be happy with whatever he chooses to do. I just want to be able to give him the tools he needs to be successful."
Cam getting in a little Tummy Time before taking Daddy to dinner
Cam chilling with Daddy at dinner


Ladies Man

So Cameron is already checking out the ladies! There are several little girls in his Gymboree class and trust me he checks them all out! While I don't condone seeing multiple women at the same time I figure he's young and he needs to keep all of his options open. Here he is getting "so fresh" for the ladies and wearing his "Ladies Man" shirt for class. Can't say we didn't warn 'em.


Busy Week

This was a VERY busy week for Cameron. Really, help me understand how he has appointments and he is only 8 weeks old! From Cameron's first Gymboree class to his first Birthday Party this week was crazy. Cameron really liked his Gymboree class. There are 8 kids in his class and he is almost the youngest (there is one other baby that is 2 weeks younger than him). We did tummy time, played with bubbles and sang several songs. While Cam was playing with the other kids, mommy was able to meet other mothers and get the scoop on what's to come. I can't wait until next weeks class! One of Jante's coworkers invited Cameron to his daughters First Birthday party. Emma is the cutest little girl! We all had a great time. Cameron was such a good boy at the party. He sat there in amazement of everything that was going on. I can't wait to start to plan his birthday party.


Best In Class

As we approach the 8 week mark of Cameron's life, things are starting to get interesting around the Glenn household. Cameron is starting to become more alert and he is up looking around more often than not. While he is obviously not sitting up (on his own his own at least) he is too cute when we "prop" him up. I am excited because I know he is going to be ahead of the rest of the kids his age because of all the "activities" we plan to get him involved in. First starting next Wednesday (Cameron's 8 week B-day) he will be joining his first class at Gymboree. In the class we will work on his visual and sensory development. Also when he turns 3 months I will be ordering him the "Your Baby Can Read" DVD's. I normally don't get caught up with the infomercials but after seeing these kids on the Ellen Show I have to give it a try! It may not work as "great" as they say but honestly I can't imagine that it won't have some benefit. It's basically all about teaching your child early because the brain is stimulated and developed mostly during the first 5 years of their lives. Stay tuned for videos of his progress.


It's Prince or Me

So many of you told me this but I did NOT believe it. The big question was "What is going to happen to Prince?" or "You are going to forget all about Prince with Cameron is here". Well I am sad to admit that Price has taken the back burner since Cameron came along. Prince's weekly trip to the Pet store for treats and toys has turned into Cameron's weekly trips to the local Baby Store for a new outfit or toy. I started realizing that every picture I take of Cameron - Prince had to be in it if he is around. Because I still love him and don't want him to feel left out I have committed to spending Sunday evening's with Prince, just the two of us.

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'