
Is it Time Already????

I knew this day would come but not this soon! Cameron turned 2, 4 months ago and he has been a FABULOUS sleeper. None of that sleeping in the bed with mommy and daddy craziness and it's like clockwork that as soon as 8pm rolls around he is yawning and saying "Sandman is coming, time for night night". Additionally that baby MUST have his nap. Well today Jante' and I were in for a RUDE awakening! We put him down for his nap (which again is usually very uneventful) but about 5 minutes later we heard him say "Mommy, Daddy, come here...come here!" This was followed by some weird sounds, ones that I can't describe. At first we ignored him because we just thought he wanted to play some more but a few minutes later when we heard the strange sounds again we decided to go check on him. And wouldn't you know it, that baby was OUT of his crib and playing with his Buzz Lightyear tent (btw, the sounds we were hearing was him hitting the tent while playing).
We couldn't believe it! How did he get out of that crib. We thought it was a fluke so I put him back in the crib and left him alone to sleep. 5 minutes later, that same sound followed by laughter was coming from his room. Again, we go back in and he is OUT of the crib again! WOW! We knew at that moment it was time for the crib to toddler bed conversion.
We knew this day would come but we honestly thought we had a few more months - at least until he was 2 1/2! Our plans are to do the conversion tomorrow, I'll post pictures when we are done. Let's hope this is not the beginning of CRAZY sleeping patterns. I know that it will be different for him - let's just hope he likes it!!!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'