
Time to Cool Off!!

It's still hot outside but the days are starting to get shorter so we decided to take advantage of the final days of summer and head to the community pool. Cameron was SO excited when I asked if he wanted to put on his swim trunks and head to the water. Of course I wasn't going to get my hair wet but I did step in the water with him a few times. I promised him that he and mommy would go take swim lessons so that we can enjoy more time like this. Daddy can already swim but of course this time he just sat and watched!


2 Days Under Our Belt

Just wanted to let you know that last night in the big boy bed went off without a HITCH! In fact, once again mommy was nervous because we did not hear ANY movement in Cameron's room. He was still sleeping like a camp when Jante' went to wake him up for school. Woo Woo, I'm liking this! Let's keep it up!


Big Boy Bed!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well I'm proud to say we had our first successful night in our Big Boy Bed! Cameron did GREAT!!! It was such a BIG deal here at the Glenn House when we converted Cameron's bed to his Big Boy Bed. As you will see from the pictures he even had his allen wrench ready to help us. We were worried that we would have to get us several times throughout the night to put him back in the bed but we should not have worried. Our sweet baby slept in that bed like a champ! We did not hear a PEEP from him until 5:06 am! He called for his mommy and when I got in his room he was standing straight up in the middle of the bed! Of course you know I was nervous that he would fall out so I laid him back down and slept in the room with him the rest of the morning (what can I say, I wanted to make sure my baby was alright!) We are hoping for another successful night. Hopefully by the end of the week it will be like old times, back 11 hours of uninterrupted sleep! Go Cameron, Go Cameron, Go Cameron. Mommy and Daddy are SO proud of you!


Is it Time Already????

I knew this day would come but not this soon! Cameron turned 2, 4 months ago and he has been a FABULOUS sleeper. None of that sleeping in the bed with mommy and daddy craziness and it's like clockwork that as soon as 8pm rolls around he is yawning and saying "Sandman is coming, time for night night". Additionally that baby MUST have his nap. Well today Jante' and I were in for a RUDE awakening! We put him down for his nap (which again is usually very uneventful) but about 5 minutes later we heard him say "Mommy, Daddy, come here...come here!" This was followed by some weird sounds, ones that I can't describe. At first we ignored him because we just thought he wanted to play some more but a few minutes later when we heard the strange sounds again we decided to go check on him. And wouldn't you know it, that baby was OUT of his crib and playing with his Buzz Lightyear tent (btw, the sounds we were hearing was him hitting the tent while playing).
We couldn't believe it! How did he get out of that crib. We thought it was a fluke so I put him back in the crib and left him alone to sleep. 5 minutes later, that same sound followed by laughter was coming from his room. Again, we go back in and he is OUT of the crib again! WOW! We knew at that moment it was time for the crib to toddler bed conversion.
We knew this day would come but we honestly thought we had a few more months - at least until he was 2 1/2! Our plans are to do the conversion tomorrow, I'll post pictures when we are done. Let's hope this is not the beginning of CRAZY sleeping patterns. I know that it will be different for him - let's just hope he likes it!!!


A Day of Fun

What a great day! We had a slight break in the 90 plus degree heat and a chance to spend the day playing and fellowshipping with family and church members (Nana's and Auntie Margaret's church members). As soon as Cameron found out that there would be a jumpy there he was ALL over it! He spent most of his time in the jumpy and the rest of the time playing horse shoes with his daddy. He had a BLAST! It was wonderful seeing him play ALL day, he is such a big boy now. I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast.......... My how time flies!

Still Loving MJ!!

Okay, our baby is STILL loving Michael Jackson. The tv was on and This is it was playing. When I walked by Cameron was at it again. I caught him on video......jammin'!


Exercising with Nana

Cameron's Nana has been walking each morning for over an hour (don't ask me who she's trying to get fine for...lol!) So in addition to walking she has been working on her abs. She asked Cameron to join her in her workout. Of course you know he was EXTREMELY excited to join her, and he took over the workout!


Happening Now

All I have to say is........REALLY??? Is this how you watch tv? You like to scare me to death! Mr. Acrobat, you really push the limits!


Move Nana, I can do it!

Cameron is becoming a little Bossy! Anytime he wants to do something he MUST do it on his own. I wonder where he gets it from.........LOL! It's actually quite funny to watch because he thinks he is much bigger and older than he really is. Here he is helping his Nana sweep the driveway, but of course he wants to do it all by himself!


Monkey Joes!

If you remember back in April we rented a Jump Zone (jumpy) for Cameron's birthday and he was TOO scared to get inside. Well, let me tell how a few months changes things! Since Cameron started his Bus Fair activity at school he is no longer scared of the jumpy. In fact he has been talking about "getting in the jumpy" for about 2 weeks now. So this week for our outing we decided to take him to Monkey Joe's. We were not for sure if we would have one of those scenario's where we pay and then walk around for an hour or if he would actually get in the jumpy's. To our surprise he was ALL over the place. He LOVED it. For an hour he ran and played and jumped until he was WORN OUT! I know exactly where to take him in the future if I want him to take a good LONG nap. LOL!
After all the fun Cameron asked if he could have some of my milkshake (Have you ever had the cookies and cream one from Chick-fil-A.....YUM, YUM). Of course I let him taste it and before I could get it back it was ALL gone, thanks to little man and his daddy!


Our Future All Star

Each and every day Cameron comes home with a new "activity" that he wants to play. This week it's been Football. Don't ask me where this is coming from (maybe he's been watching ESPN with Jante' too much) but Football is the activity of the week this week! So I promised him I would be his coach and manager and help him get his football career off to a great start. Thanks to mommy, I think we have a future All Star on our hands. Check him out practicing his "drill" for the week.


Advice from a Father

What a busy day! I know the weekend is supposed to be a couple of days of rest but really, how can you with so much to do? We were on the go so much that I didn't get to take as many pictures as I'd liked to. However, this evening I looked up and couldn't find Cameron and Jante'. After looking outside I found them, taking a nice stroll down the street. So of course I grabbed my camera and started to snap. Jante' said it was more "bonding time" for the boys. He was giving him "advice" on how to take over the family business when Cameron gets older. LOL! Really? This man is going to have Cameron frying chicken wings before he is 5 years old!


Happening Now

Cameron LOVES looking at himself, really he is conceded at the ripe age of 2! Here he is washing his hair but he could not resist the temptation to try to see himself.....even if it was just a reflection off the tub drain!


Future Gold Medalist

I've mentioned that Cameron is in LOVE with his Play Ball activity. Well today he earned a GOLD Metal for being the best in the class! (okay so each week a different kid wins but that doesn't matter he won today - lol) He was SO proud of himself and Mommy and Daddy were proud of him too! Can you say future Gold Medalist Cameron Alexander Glenn!!!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'