
Beach Prep

It's been a busy week so I have not been able to take (or post) any pictures! We are extremly excited about our beach vacation next week. Cameron and mommy had a LOT of last minute items to get and so off to the stores we went! The sun was BEAMING and I assume the sun was getting in Cameron's eyes because he kept saying "Shades mommy, shades". Once we got to the store I located his sunglasses and gave them to him to put on. When I got ready to get out of the car I looked back at him and this is what I saw (first picture). I assume he was plaing "peek a boo" with himself. LOL!
Mommy, is this right?
Okay, that's more like it


Railroad Day 2011

We had a GREAT Saturday!!! We were able to take Cameron to Railroad Day in Lula (it's a yearly festival in downtown Lula that starts with a parade that ends at the orginal railroad station). There are vendors, activities for the kids and tons of FOOD. And let me tell you, the FOOD is the bomb! Cameron (as usual) was relaxed and laid back while we strolled the festival. All he wanted to do was look at the people and ask EVERY single thing that looked interesting to him.
I have to say I LOVE days like this with him. I can not wait until he gets old enough that we can walk around and eat treats and play the games together and where he can really tell me exactly what he wants to do next! Until then I will enjoy every moment of him being the sweet little boy that he is (..... most days!)
I have no idea who's truck they are leaning on!
It's time for a break and a snack
Quick pic with Mommy
Cameron reading us a bible verse before lunch


Happening Now

Cameron trying to see how far he can stretch his arms. Let's just say, he's only about 1/2 way there. LOL!


Happening Now

One of my friends Mistee Parker (aka Mistee Love) does a "segment" on her twins blog called "Happening Now" and I LOVE it. She shares a few pictures of what's going on in thier home at that time. It's a way to do a quick blog update from the day. And so I am stealing her idea - Thanks Mistee! So for the first Happening Now segment from the Glenn's house is below. Cameron watches me each night as I "prep" for bed and trust me it's not pretty. I wanted to give him a little taste of what I go through. Check him out looking like his mommy at night. Too funny.


Lazy Sunday

This has been a crazy week at the Glenn's (as you can see I didn't even have time to post any pics this week). Busy, busy, busy. So we decided to have a "lazy Sunday" around the house. (Don't worry we got our praise on yesterday at a Women's Day church service).
Because we were in the house pretty much ALL day we had to come up with a few activities to help occupy Cameron's time. Here is a shot of Cam and I coloring during "art time". The other pic is Cam and Jante' practicing Cameron's Ring routine for gymnastics.


Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the great mothers out there! What a great Mother's Day (and weekend) around the Glenn household. Cameron and Jante' decided that I had worked REALLY hard this year so they decided to celebrate all weekend (how sweet). The weekend started with a Saturday Breakfast made especaially for mommy. Okay, well Cameron and Jante' didn't actually make the breakfast but they bought me a really nice breakfast (lol!) it tasted like it was made with love - hahahaha.
Next was a little spring cleaning with Cameron. It was time for a trip to the Goodwill and to Kroger to drop off items for the Tornado victims. (It's hard to believe a 2 year old had 17 pair of shoes that he can't wear to give to some child less fortunate). But it always feels good to give back!
Next Cameron and Jante' decided to give me the rest of the morning off so I was able to go do a few "mommy" things on my own. Since Jante' had to go to work in the afternoon, I decided it would a great time to start a new family tradition, a Mother and Son picnic for Mother's Day. We had a great time (see pictures below).
Sunday was just as great! I have to say I was really impressed with the wonderful gifts I recieved for my big day! One of which Cameron is in LOVE with......Garrett's popcorn. He loves the cheese and caramel just as much as mommy (lol). Then it was off to dinner with Nana and Auntie Margaret. It is a day I will not forget.
As I reflect back over this past year I have to say this has truly been some of the best days of my life. We waited so long to have children and as the old saying goes, if I only knew then what I know now.......we would have SO started having kids earlier! Cameron is the joy of our lives and I don't know what I would do without him. Yes it's hard work and yes we are doing our best to be great parents but all the hard work and long days are SO worth it! From him playing his music and singing along to him telling me to "go fast mommy" in the car, every day is a new adventure. Every night we get on our knees and thank GOD for all the blessings he has bestowed upon us! It's always, Fun times at the Glenn's!!


Bye Bye Prince

I know most of you know by now but for those of you who don't, as of Friday April 29th Prince is with a new family. I know, it hurts me to even type it but HONESTLY it was for the best. Long story short Prince bit me (twice) just recently and completely tour UP Cameron's room. It was time, I am not for sure what was going on but we couldn't do it any more.
The worst part is as you know Cameron and Prince were very close (at least Cameron was very close to Prince). I can tell he really does miss Prince. It's funny because now that Prince is gone Cameron's old toy dog has become his new best friend. He walks him everyday and just today he asked if he could take the dog out to "potty". I guess I have to work on how to make him realize the dog with mechanical legs is not real. LOL!
Cameron "walking" his toy dog


2 Year Checkup

I can't believe it but this week we went to the doctor for Cameron's 2 year check-up! Wow, what a great 2 years it has been. All went well at the doctor. Cameron is 29 lbs (he is in the 49th percentile for weight) but honestly when you pick him up you would think he was 35+ lbs! And he is on the low end of average for his height (let's hope he has a growth spurt real soon, lol!) I look back at pictures of him from a year ago and I am just amazed at how much he has grown. In addition to growth we talked with Dr. Pitts about his fine motor skills and speaking abilities. Dr. Pitts was impressed with both. In fact when Dr. Pitts said that by this age most kids could sit on a small toy (like a bike) and mimic movements of that toy - I told him that Cameron was riding his tricycle. He could not believe it! I had to show him the video of Cameron riding and steering his and he said that most kids could not both ride and steer until they were at least 2 1/2 and sometimes 3! I don't know if I believe it takes a child until 3 years old to do this but I did know that Cameron was doing better than the average 2 year old. So we are so proud of him!
Check out these pics of Cameron, check out the difference a year makes!
May 12, 2010
May 1, 2011

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'