
Happening Now

Cameron and I wrapping gifts. He kept saying "Mommy, I don't see my name" (meaning on any of the tags). To which I reminded him "Santa has your gifts sweetie, but you will only get them if you don't have to go in Time-Out anymore!"


Mental Note Made!

Mommy has made a mental note as to what this little one wants for Christmas next year!



Cameron has really been in-to his basketball lately. And he is getting pretty good if I must say. Here he is showing his daddy how to really do it!


Really Cameron

Wouldn't you know it, just weeks before Christmas and Cameron wants to start acting crazy! For the past 2 weeks Cameron has been having to go in "time-out" more than he ever has. I have said it time and time again, Cameron is the sweetest child ever but BOY when he gets mad it's something that makes me say "who's child is this?"
Before we had Cameron we used to talk about who would be the disaplanarian of the family. Of course I claimed the title (at first). But that was before this beautiful baby boy came into our lives. Now anything he he wants I get and anytime he gets in "trouble" he looks at me with those big brown eyes and those deep dimples and I just MELT! So that means the disaplian has started coming from Jante'. I think it is true what they say about a father being an authorative figure. Cameron can be cuttin' up with me and as soon as Jante' says, "Cameron, go to your room" we know he means business. Don't ask me what happens while in his room but what I do know is when they come out, Cameron is no longer crying, fussing, screaming or whatever! He walks up to me and say "Mommy I'm sorry"!
This morning was an example of how things have been going at the Glenn household for the past two weeks. Check out picture # 1...Our sweet boy ready for school. Check out picture #2....Our sweet boy playing with one of his trains while I ate breakfast. I don't have picture # 3 but just imagine this with me.
Mr. Choo-Choo didn't move the way Cameron wanted so him to so he picked him up and threw him across the room! Then I hear, "Cameron, go to your room"! Crying, screaming, running (towards his room)...3minutes later I hear...."Mommy, I sorry, I clean up train now".
2 year olds...got to love 'em!


3 Down, 9 to Go

The 12 days of giving is in full swing and we are all loving it. Three days down and 9 more today. We have already paid for the meal of the family behind us in the drive-thru and given shoes and clothes to those in need. It was wonderful to share with Cameron why the family in the car behind his flagged us down to thank us for dinner.
As you can see from the pictures below this little one continues to love shoes. These went to the shoe drive at the library. They are providing slightly used shoes to kids in need. Also here he is laughing at all the bags of clothes he had to carry to the door to take to the Goodwill. We explained to Cameron that it is ALWAYS better to give than receive. Several little boys will be very happy thanks to him this holiday season.


12 Days of Giving

Just a quick update........
We are preparing for our 12 days of giving for Christmas 2011. We started something like this last year but this year(and from now on)we've decided to take it to the next level. We will do 12 days of "giving". 12 days between now and Christmas where we will do random acts of kindness/giving. This is a great way to show Cameron that it feels good becuase we know we are blesses but it feels even better to be a blessing to others.
I will take some pictures along the way to share.


Happening Now

Cameron watching "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" for the first time. Mommy's favorite holiday movie! Next year it will be "Elf on a Shelf"!


O' Christmas Tree

Oh, what an exciting time! This time last year Cameron was helping us get ready for Christmas but while putting up the tree he wanted to pick up EVERY ornament and "help". My, my what a difference a year can make. This year he is a "big boy" and he wanted to help but was willing to do whatever we asked. I am amazed everyday at how good of a listener he is. Don't get me wrong, he wants to do his own thing often but when we really think about it things could be SO much worst (trust me, we have seen some of these 2 1/2 year olds in the stores with their parents).
This year he helped open the box and he placed each ornament in line on the floor for us to pick up and put on the tree. Of course he had to come stand by the tree periodically and take a picture. I told him he could be our little "elf helper" anytime!


So Thankful!!!

Well it's another year and we have so much to be thankful for. Great family, friends jobs, etc. Truly there is nothing at all to complain about. This is especially true for Mr. Cameron! He was the center of attention this Thanksgiving (as I am sure he will be for many more to come). He was able to spend time with both sides of the family for Thanksgiving and had a BLAST. Check him out.


Happening Now

For the past 2 weeks Cameron has been wanting to take pictures EVERYWHERE! And of course after I take the picture he wants to see it. I told him I think he is getting a little conceded. LOL! Here is a quick shot of him before headed to the mall.


I'm Loving It!!

We all know that Jante' and I LOVE movies (and watching TV) but honestly it's been hard to catch up on all of TV shows and watch movies with Cameron because of course if it wasn't something he wanted to watch then it was an issue. True enough I have him asking to watch "Matlock" and "Ellen Tegeerie" (that's Ellen DeGeneres by the way) but that's only because I watch them every day and so he is just used to it.
Well I can say now FINALLY the time has come! The past two Sunday's after church he will either crawl up in the bed (under the covers of course) with me to watch a good movie on Lifetime or lay on the couch with Jante' and watch football. Can you believe it! A 2 1/2 year old that will sit still long enough to enjoy a two hour program! It works because we entertain him during commercial breaks. By either "acting" out what just happened on the TV or making silly faces or something like that. Anything to keep him happy so that when the program comes back on we can say, Okay Cameron the "movie" is back on or "football" is back on. He gets so excited that he lays there and watch it until the next commercial. I'm LOVING it!
here are a few shots of us relaxing.


Feast of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and to celebrate Cameron's new preschool had a "Feast of Thanksgiving" luncheon for the kids and parents. (btw, this is WHY I love being 2 minutes from my sweetie pie).
There was food galore and can you say "GOODY, GOOD"? That really was some of the best Mac and Cheese I have ever had! The mac and cheese coupled with some great turkey and a wonderful smoked ham......woo woo. Cameron and mommy were both stuffed! And of course we had to have desert...well Cameron did. Why did his daddy decide to put him on a white shirt today? Let's just say a white shirt and chocolate "turkey" cupcake doesn't go well together.


His Big Boy School!!!

Well today was the BIG day for Cameron to transfer schools (remember mommy has a new job and Chick-fil-A has a GREAT child care center on site). Just as the Director of the program suggested we have been making a BIG deal about this transition over the past week. Cameron got a new book bag and new clothes and he even got a new toothbrush! We kept telling him he was going to his "Big Boy School" and he was so excited to be with his new friends and teacher.
When we got there he was SO excited and didn't miss a beat! He immediately went for the play kitchen and then to the books. He made sure he went up to all his new friends to tell them his name! I only stayed about 20 minutes and I just knew he was going to cry........NOT so much. That boy fit right on in. Here are a few pics and his progress report from the day.
Each day I will receive an email from the center with 3 documents. The first one is entitled "What in the World did we do today". This document will show pictures and a write up of what went on in Cameron's class. Below is a snap shot of some of the write up. (for some reason I could not get the pictures from the write up to copy but Cameron was ALL over the pictures....I guess because it was his first day).
What in the World did we do today??? Today we discussed hair. For Language and Literacy we read “Hats off to Hair”. Cameron is demonstrating Literacy by demonstrating knowledge about the book. We discussed the different hair types, colors, length, and styles. The children demonstrated Social Relations by sharing the dolls with each other and exploring the hair on the dolls’. Danielle asked an open ended question “Who does your hair”? Brandon: Daddy cut my hair. Kamryn: I got ponytails. I don’t like it tight. My mommy did it. Cameron G: My daddy gives a haircut. Cameron F: I got a haircut next door. Garrett: Yellow, Daddy cut my hair. Ben: Head Torrey: Ran Ran Luke: Daddy he sprays it!
Cameron's First Day Notes (from his individual page) Cameron had a great first day. He ate all his lunch and took a very good nap. Cameron took initiative to explore the kitchen area demonstrating his Creative Representation by pretending to cook. I also observed great Social Relations with Cameron and his new peers. He had an awesome day!


Happening Now

I just had to video Cameron saying his nighly prayer....too cute.


Trick or Treat!!!!

It's that time of year again and the ghouls and goblins are out! This week has been a busy busy week but we had to make time to get Cameron ready for the Fall Festival at his school. I have been asking Cameron for about a month what he wanted to be for Halloween and every time I asked him he said something different. So of course this was my cue that his dad and I could still make the final decision. Since we had to make sure he stole the show like he did last year, I headed to the Internet to find the PERFECT costume. After ordering 3 different ones Cameron finally decides that he wants to be DJ Lance from Yo Gabba Gabba! At first I wasn't feeling it (remember mommy had already purchased 3 other costumes) but because he kept making a big deal about it I gave in.
We worked hard the night before the festival making treat bags for his friends (see how cute they are?) Then on the day of the big Festival I was in shock at how cute he was as DJ Lance! And of course once again.....he stole the show! His other little friends were so excited and screamed "DJ Lance, DJ Lance" ALL morning! It was hilarious!
DJ Lance led the crown (his friends) from room to room saying "Trick or Treat". Here are a few pics of he and his friends having a blast.


Warms My Heart!!!

This week we took a trip to AL to visit the family and as always Cameron had a BLAST. I have to tell you seeing Cameron with my dad and granddad just warms my heart! I think its because he doesn't get to see them as often but he didn't want to leave! In fact he kept telling me that he wanted to "stay with grandaddy, I want to stay with grandaddy!" Of course my dad wanted him to stay as well but I told him I can promise after about 3 days with Cameron running him crazy he would want to bring him home!
The video below really is the cutest thing ever. It's funny because I kept telling my grandaddy (who is 85 years old by the way) to take it easy. He literally was trying to run around after Cameron......not the best thing for an 85 year old. But of course just like his great grandson, you can't tell him anything!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'