
Really Cameron

Wouldn't you know it, just weeks before Christmas and Cameron wants to start acting crazy! For the past 2 weeks Cameron has been having to go in "time-out" more than he ever has. I have said it time and time again, Cameron is the sweetest child ever but BOY when he gets mad it's something that makes me say "who's child is this?"
Before we had Cameron we used to talk about who would be the disaplanarian of the family. Of course I claimed the title (at first). But that was before this beautiful baby boy came into our lives. Now anything he he wants I get and anytime he gets in "trouble" he looks at me with those big brown eyes and those deep dimples and I just MELT! So that means the disaplian has started coming from Jante'. I think it is true what they say about a father being an authorative figure. Cameron can be cuttin' up with me and as soon as Jante' says, "Cameron, go to your room" we know he means business. Don't ask me what happens while in his room but what I do know is when they come out, Cameron is no longer crying, fussing, screaming or whatever! He walks up to me and say "Mommy I'm sorry"!
This morning was an example of how things have been going at the Glenn household for the past two weeks. Check out picture # 1...Our sweet boy ready for school. Check out picture #2....Our sweet boy playing with one of his trains while I ate breakfast. I don't have picture # 3 but just imagine this with me.
Mr. Choo-Choo didn't move the way Cameron wanted so him to so he picked him up and threw him across the room! Then I hear, "Cameron, go to your room"! Crying, screaming, running (towards his room)...3minutes later I hear...."Mommy, I sorry, I clean up train now".
2 year olds...got to love 'em!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'