
His Big Boy School!!!

Well today was the BIG day for Cameron to transfer schools (remember mommy has a new job and Chick-fil-A has a GREAT child care center on site). Just as the Director of the program suggested we have been making a BIG deal about this transition over the past week. Cameron got a new book bag and new clothes and he even got a new toothbrush! We kept telling him he was going to his "Big Boy School" and he was so excited to be with his new friends and teacher.
When we got there he was SO excited and didn't miss a beat! He immediately went for the play kitchen and then to the books. He made sure he went up to all his new friends to tell them his name! I only stayed about 20 minutes and I just knew he was going to cry........NOT so much. That boy fit right on in. Here are a few pics and his progress report from the day.
Each day I will receive an email from the center with 3 documents. The first one is entitled "What in the World did we do today". This document will show pictures and a write up of what went on in Cameron's class. Below is a snap shot of some of the write up. (for some reason I could not get the pictures from the write up to copy but Cameron was ALL over the pictures....I guess because it was his first day).
What in the World did we do today??? Today we discussed hair. For Language and Literacy we read “Hats off to Hair”. Cameron is demonstrating Literacy by demonstrating knowledge about the book. We discussed the different hair types, colors, length, and styles. The children demonstrated Social Relations by sharing the dolls with each other and exploring the hair on the dolls’. Danielle asked an open ended question “Who does your hair”? Brandon: Daddy cut my hair. Kamryn: I got ponytails. I don’t like it tight. My mommy did it. Cameron G: My daddy gives a haircut. Cameron F: I got a haircut next door. Garrett: Yellow, Daddy cut my hair. Ben: Head Torrey: Ran Ran Luke: Daddy he sprays it!
Cameron's First Day Notes (from his individual page) Cameron had a great first day. He ate all his lunch and took a very good nap. Cameron took initiative to explore the kitchen area demonstrating his Creative Representation by pretending to cook. I also observed great Social Relations with Cameron and his new peers. He had an awesome day!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'