
Parent/Teacher Conferences are a BIG deal - Who Knew?

We had Cameron's first official Parent/Teacher Conference last week and who knew this was such a BIG Deal? When we were at the Creme' in Cincinnati we never had an "official" P/T Conference I guess because he was so young. The Director and Teachers would give us regular progress checks and we would receive his daily reports but nothing like this! When we sat down with the Director and Cameron's main teacher they had a 2 inch thick binder with Cameron's progress sheets, assessment sheets, anecdotal evaluations and examples of projects that he has completed! I mean REALLY - for an 19 month old? I have to tell you, I was impressed that they would take up so much time to collect this information and keep such great records. And to think Cameron has only been at this school for 5 months! Jante' kept asking why folks pay so much for a private preschool - well this is why! I really feel like he is at an Ivy League preschool!
As far as his development they were very impressed with Cameron and said that he is "advanced" relative to his peers in many areas. He is considered especially advanced in Cognition, Self-Help, Social/Emotional and Gross and Fine Motor skills. The one area he is considered to be "parity" in is his Language/Communication. While he is "average" in this area they believe he could be above average if he put in more effort. For example instead of him saying "book" he will just sign book. I call it lazy but I have committed to trying to encourage him to use his words more in addition to his signing. I know he is only 19 months but when you see your child doing great in so many areas you want them to be PERFECT! LOL! Cameron is the youngest in his class so I believe being with the older kids has really helped him pick up things quickly. I see Harvard in his future! I will keep you posted on that. LOL!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'