
Pic of the Week

My pic of the week comes from the evening of the Church Easter Egg Hunt. I have noticed that Cameron watches Jante' like a HAWK and tries to emulate him often. Jante' is known for standing with his hands in his pockets. When I saw Cameron doing this I could not believe it! He literally looks like a a miniature Jante'.


I Just Came to Say.........Happy Easter Day

What a weekend! Starting Friday Cameron had a jammed pack weekend of activities. Friday started with an Easter Egg Hunt at his preschool followed by a Easter party. Jante' and I were both able to attend the party and Cameron had to put on a show because we were there (funny as usual).
Saturday was a great day but a LONG one! The church Easter Egg Hunt started at 2pm and we literally did not leave the church until almost 6pm! Games, food and the actual hunt took most of the day. I was so pround of Cameron. To watch him running around looking for eggs was HILARIOUS! He participated in the 2-6 year old age group and he out-ran some of the older kids to get his eggs. He left the hunt with 4 eggs total, one of them being a GOLDEN Egg! There were 5 golden eggs total and he found one of them! WHOO-HOO! The Golden Egg had $1 in it and Cameron was extremely excited.
Sunday started with a GREAT service at church followed by a great dinner at Nana's house. A perfect end to a busy but extremely fun weekend!


Pic of the Week

Here is my Pic of the Week. Check out Cameron giving Prince the "chicken eye" for trying to steal his crakers. Too funny!


And He's 2!

The BIG day finally arrived. April 15th, 2011 - Cameron's 2nd Bday. The day started with breakfast as a family and I took Cameron off to school for his 1st party. He had a "friend" who was born on the 16th so he celebrated with us. They had a BLAST - cupcakes for everyone. I was surprised cause these kids can EAT. I mean several of them had 2 cupcakes - REALLY. I told one of the parents - I was glad they were staying at the school - the teachers could deal with them running around on a sugar high (LOL)!
Because I had TONS to do before the party I took the rest of the day to head to Nana's house and start my prep. I mentioned to several of you that I was nervous because Ken Cook (the weather man) was calling for THUNDERSTORMS and because I didn't have a plan "B" for the party I didn't know what I would do if it did rain. Well our prayers were answered! It STORMED Friday night and by 7am on Saturday morning it was clear skies! We got the decor finished was ready for the festivities.
A great time was had by all. From the Jumpy to Jay the Balloon guy the kids were extremely entertained. Even the adults were going crazy over the balloons that were being made (I have several pictures that are not posted below of the adults standing in the line for their balloon - this was a funny site).
I have to say all of Mommy and Daddy's planning paid off. The theme was great and I was able to find several items online (either Etsy, Oriental Trading, Celebrate Express and Amazon) that went over really well. Similar to last year we had different "stations" to help direct guest. At the Fuel Station (food) we went with "Fire Engine Hot Dogs" (we rented one of those hot dog grilling machines) and FireHouse Subs. In addition to the BEAUTIFUL and DELICIOUS strawberry and key lime cake we had an Ic Cream Bar at the Cooling Station. Guest could choose what toppings they wanted on their ice cream. I found some mi nature fireman hats that we used as the ice cream bowls - too cute! We also had to do our Prize Table again (this was a BIG hit last year). Kids could collect tickets for winning games and exchange those tickets in for prizes. This year because because we are just a week away from Easter we decided to do 3 Top prizes, one "Girls" basket, a "Boys" basket and the Golden Egg. All I can say is WOW - what a hit. Congratulations to the kids who won!
A special thanks to all of our family and friends that made it out to celebrate Cameron's big day. He had a BLAST. Looking forward to seeing you next year!


Bike Riding

We bought Cameron a little tricycle for Christmas and it took him almost a month to even get on the bike. Then once he started to get on he just wanted you to "push" him vs. him trying to ride by himself. Well, here we are almost 4 months later and he is just now getting it.
Here are two videos - the first is Cameron getting his "ride" on. (excuse the video shaking - it's me walking trying to catch up with he and Jante'). The 2nd video is just to show you how short a 2 year old's attention span is. Mind you, all he wanted to do when he got home from school was "bike - outside" - which is 2 year old speak for riding his bike outside. How quickly he forgot about his bike when it was time to come inside.
Bike Ride
Short Attention Span


Best Party EVER!

WOW, what a DAY! Cameron enjoyed every minute of his 2nd Birthday Firetruck Party. I have to say Momma is TIRED! I am not ready to post all my pictures yet (still getting them together) but I wanted to at least let you know that it was a BLAST and I can't wait to share them with you. I promise to have them up by Wednesday of this week!


Quick Update

I know posts have been sporadic lately - I apologize. It's been a combination of my camera not working and planning for the BIG DAY!!!!!!!! Yes, Cameron will be "2" this Friday (April 15th). You all know me and you know that I have been in FULL planning mode for about 5 months now. I can't wait! Of course Cameron is getting excited too because he is starting to see all the "stuff" around the house. Right now the weather man is calling for rain and I am getting a little nervous. PLEASE send up some prayers that the rain stays away - I can not have my baby's outdoor party soaked! I am sure I will not get a chance to post between now and Saturday so stay tuned for pictures from the party!

Pic of the Week

While helping his Nana do some Spring Cleaning this weekend, they stumbled upon Jante's High School Basketball practice jersey. So of course we had to get a picture of him in it. Can you say future Red Elephant! LOL!


Pic of the Week

My Pic of the week. I call it "After School Nap".

Happy Birthday Mommy

Cameron does a TON of things around the house that I say "wow, we need to get this on camera so that we can put it on America's Funniest Videos". But wouldn't you know it, as SOON as I go get the video camera he wants to hold the camera and "see" what I am trying to video. Basically he never cooperates when we want him to.
For my birthday Jante' told Cameron to run in the room and say "Happy Birthday Mommy" to me. So of course Cameron did just as his dad told him. I was SO excited - the first time my sweet baby said Happy Birthday! I literally smiled for 10 minutes. So of course I had to get him on camera saying it. But again, wouldn't you know it.....nothing. So here I am (in the first video) trying to "MAKE" him tell me Happy Birthday again.
The 2nd video is him singing (really saying, not signing) part of his FAVORITE song, Fall for Your Type by Jamie Foxx. Then he starts to tell Prince happy birthday, not mommy!


Pic of the Week

I was doing a little "spring cleaning" this week and ran across Cameron's Halloween costume from Oct 2009 (he was 6 months). He wanted to put it on so I could not resist. Too funny!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'