
Pic of the Week

I have an "early" pic of the week this week. This is exactly why Cameron needs to brush his teeth for 10 minutes at a time. Who knows how many of these he had eaten by the time I caught him!

Where is my Toothbrush??

I have mentioned this before but I'll say it again, Cameron LOVES to brush his teeth (or attempt to). I am sure I have shared with you all that Jante' brushes his teeth for 10 minutes at a time and now I think Cameron is picking up this same - good habit. I walked in the bathroom the other day and noticed Cameron staring at his dad while he was brushing his teeth. Cameron then turned to me and said "toothbrush....toothbrush". This was my cue to quickly run get my camera and try to catch him in action. By the time I got back in the bathroom. This is what I found.......
Ok, Where is that toothbrush?
Found it, well I actually found 2!


Learning to Ride.......Almost

Cameron has been working hard to learn how to ride the tricycle we bought him for Christmas. For about 2 weeks all he would do was just look the bike like, "Humm, I wonder if I can ride that". After the first 2 weeks he at least attempted to sit on the bike, however his little feet would barely reach the pedals. Well this week he is REALLY into trying to see if he can ride it. Now his little feet will comfortably reach the pedals and he can at least move 2 to 3 paces. We will keep trying, I know practice makes perfect. I will keep you posted. In the meantime here are a couple of pics of him in his attempt to ride.


Best Friends and Brothers

Cameron and Prince have grown so close. I truly believe Cameron thinks that Prince is not only his friend but his brother! He does not want Prince to go without anything - he is always on the lookout for him. One of the things he has been helping Prince with lately is making sure he gets all the food he needs. Whenever he sees Prince's bowl(s) empty he points at them and says "Mommy, moorre moorre" (that's more in baby talk). It is the cutest ever. Here he is helping get Prince's dinner.


Party Time!!!

Cameron was invited to his little friend Ashton's Bday party at Gymboree this weekend. And believe it or not Mr. Personality was acting so SHY at the party it was ridiculous! I could not believe it. It took 45 minutes before he would even go play with the other kids (including Ashton). Well low and behold after some good music and seeing other kids dancing around he FINALLY decided to join in on the fun. Here are a few shots of the party.


Falcons Rise Up! Maybe not....

In support of our Atlanta Falcons a family friend bought Cameron this little (well too big) outfit. Nana got Cameron all dressed up so that he could show his support. I used to say he would be an Atlanta Falcons Running Back but now I am starting to question that goal. If you didn't watch the game, the Falcons lost something terrible! Maybe he does need to keep that dream so that he can help them out! Since the Falcons lost it's only fitting that Cameron supports his mommy's team now (the NY Jets). Check him out in the Jets hat Jante' bought me. FYI, the Jets colors are Green and White but you will notice this hat (in support of Breast Cancer Month) is the beautiful colors of Pink and Green!


In the Spirit of Giving

I mentioned earlier this week that we were snowed in for 4 days! (not fun). One day on the news they talked about a program called "Project Overcoat" to help those who don't have coats for the winter. Knowing that is was TOO cold for anyone to be outside with no coat, we figured we would do a little spring cleaning and find some coats that we were not using and give to the program. I was so happy because Cameron had 3 really nice coats/jackets that we could give to the kiddo's. We thought, what a great way to get him interested and involved with giving at an early age. As you can see, he was happy to participate.


Pic of the Week

All I have to say is Like Father, Like Son!



Since we are still snowed in, Jante' and I were trying to find things to keep our son entertained. We read, played on the computer, watched cartoons, had music class and let him review his numbers and colors on the tablet. But of course this STILL did not tire him out. After doing a little scrapbooking I came in the kitchen to find this MESS! Mind you my husband was supposed to be watching him while I had some crop time. Goes to show you how much I can depend on him......I guess Sports Center was on.


All Snowed In

I swear we take the snow with us where-ever we go! Last year in Cincinnati they had one of the worst snow years in it's history. Now here we are back in the great south and we have had snow twice already! The first snow (on Christmas day) was nice, nothing to really write about. Today it was a what the folks down here considered a blizzard. In fact the Governor declared it a State of Emergency! Honestly it was only like 4 inches but 4 inches here is like 20 inches in the north. We were snowed in so of course we had to take Cameron out to play in it. He had a blast. For some reason he got so tickled every time he stomped his foot in snow. It was too cute. Great fun!
Jante' clearing a spot for Prince
My boys
Me and my sunshine!
Boy smashing this is fun
Humm, what do to do now?????


Happy New Year! We're Back at It!!

I know, I know.....it's been almost 2 weeks since I have posted any pics. It is my fault. A combination of resting from the holidays and then a much needed (and well deserved I might add) New Years vacation for Mommy and Daddy didn't allow me to take many pictures. Nana Mary took pictures (I think) while we were gone - if I get them I will post them for you to see. Now that we are back in the swing of things we decided to go to a place called "Imaginations At Play" for our outing this week. We were supposed to go to this place back in November when cousin Jackson and auntie Rhasheda came to visit but I mixed up the days and they were closed. I hate that we were not able to go because the place was GREAT! Think of it as a smaller "fun" museum for kids. Cameron had a BALL! I have to say it took him a few minutes to "warm up" to the place. At first he just stared at the other kids and all the toys but about 10 minutes later it was full steam ahead. In fact I had to entice him with a capri-sun in order to get him out of there. Here are a few shots.

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'