
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

For Cameron's first Thanksgiving we drove to Georgia to visit family. We were planning on having Thanksgiving in Cincinnati but changed our minds when we realized we REALLY wanted to be back in the south for the holiday. Because Cameron has been on the go since he was a few weeks old (meaning riding in the car constantly) he did wonderfully on the drive down. When we drive we try to leave in the evenings so that he can sleep the majority of the way. This time was no different, he slept like a champ! While in Atlanta Cameron got a chance to see Auntie Tiffy as well as many family members that he has not seen since the 4th of July. We had dinner at Mommy Mary's house and my family drove over from Alabama. Unfortunately Cameron couldn't have any of the good food we had but it didn't matter because he enjoyed being spoiled to death. Cameron spent the majority of the time in someones arms (as you can see from the pics). I told him next year he will be able to eat like a big boy and join mommy and daddy for the ham and turkey!


Lazy Days

With Day Light Savings Time being in effect, it is getting dark extremely early (like 5:30). This calls for some lazy times. This past week we took the time to just relax and not do anything. It was interesting because we are so used to being on the go (Cameron is too) that sitting around watching movies and ordering dinner in was some family time well needed. We will be leaving headed to Georgia for Thanksgiving tomorrow so no big activities this past weekend. Here are a few pics of Cameron over the past few days. I look at these pictures in amazement that he is getting so big so quickly! I am cherishing these times because I know we will never get them back.


The Belly is Proof Enough

I have been trying to get caught up on my scrapbooking but in order to do that sometimes I let Cameron join me in my craft room. In order to get anything done I have to give him something to do so that he can entertain himself. In this video I asked Cameron to help me crop but all he wanted to do was eat the paper. As you can tell from the video he does not need to add anything else to his diet. That belly is proof enough that he is not missing a meal. Yes my baby's belly is big but that's okay he is solid! I tell him all the time he is preparing to be a football player. That way mommy and daddy won't have to work so hard later in life. LOL!


Night Time Ritual

Jante' is a GREAT father. He really does help me out each and every day with Cameron. While I know this is his responsibility as a father I can tell you he goes the extra mile in pulling his weight. Like most parents we have a nightly routine. I normally give Cameron his bath (really my favorite thing to do each day) and Jante' will feed him and put him to sleep. After he is asleep Jante' prepares to put Cameron in his bed but not before doing this crazy little dance - see video. Its funny because I can do the same routine as Jante' and Cameron will just look at me like I am crazy. It's only when he is in Daddy's arms that he is relaxed and will fall right asleep. (Thank goodness Jante' is traveling less).


The Drool Paid Off

Cameron has been drooling for the past 2 1/2 months. From morning to night we are constantly wiping his mouth because the drool is so heavy. Everyone said, "Oh he's drooling that means his teeth are coming in". Day after day I would look in his mouth and see no teeth. But I started to believe folks when I realized he wanted to put everything in his mouth (I guess rubbing stuff against his gums made them feel better). Well the other night I put my finger in his mouth and I felt something! I looked and low and behold to my surprise there was a tooth! All the drooling has finally paid off. I had to get it on camera. In the video he his tongue is in the way but you can still see his one little tooth......too cute!


Lashes to Die For

As Cameron starts to get older his features are really coming out. As many of you have said he really looks more and more like Jante' every day (except for my big pretty eyes). As he gets older I have started to realize he has some of the prettiest eye lashes ever! Jante' says "pretty" is not a word I should use when referring to his son but I can't help it. They are truly lashes most women would kill to have. I tell him all the time folks pay good money to get lashes like that and now they have prescription medication to help lashes grow. He doesn't ever have to worry about spending his money on those drugs. I tried to get a good shot of his lashes - this is the best I could do.


A Sunday Afternoon at the Park

I know I have mentioned this several times before but if you are not familiar with the weather in Cincinnati you probably wouldn't know this but it can change at the drop of a dime. As an example, the weather this weekend was gorgeous! Yes, the first weekend in November and temperatures were in the high 60's low 70's. So of course we had to take advantage of it - and headed to the park. Cameron loves the outdoors so he enjoyed this adventure. You never know, this may not be the last time we enjoy great weather this year! We will see....

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'