
School Daze

As many of you know Jante' and I spent some time looking for Cameron a Nanny in preparation for my return to work. Jante' and I went back and forth about if we would use a Nanny or a Day Care for Cameron and initially we decided the Nanny was going to be the route to go. After looking for several months and not finding the right person in which we felt comfortable with leaving Cameron with for 8 hours + each day in our home we figured we better have a back up plan. We started looking for a Day Care for Cameron just in case we had no luck with finding the right Nanny. We looked at a few places but once again, no place stood out to us a the right fit for our beautiful baby boy until talking to a coworker friend who had just had a baby. Kourtney recommended we check out Creme de la Creme (because it was only 3 mins from my job and they had an outstanding rating for the city of Cincinnati). Well let me tell you, from the moment we saw the state of the art facilities and met the teachers we knew we had found the right place! Besides the high tech security, the water park, the dance studio, the art studio, the tennis and basketball courts and the multiple outdoor play areas - the curriculum is top notch. Plus they have some of the best teacher to child ratios and lowest teacher turnover rates in the state. While we know Cameron will not use all of these "benefits" right now, knowing that he will have access to them as he gets older is extremely comforting. Each day the teachers work hard to make sure they expose the kids (even the little ones like Cameron) to activities in each of the following areas: Sensory/Art, Movement, Literacy, Music, Curiosity and Dramatic Play. Once we left there we knew the search for a Nanny was over. We felt that not even the best Nanny in the world could compete with this exposure. Plus it saves us some money from having to install a Nanny cam to make sure she is not just watching TV all day! (hahaha) I got a great recommendation from a coworker friend to take a camera to school and have the teacher take pictures of some of the things I will miss Cameron do while he is there (great idea, Thanks Melissa). Ms. Kelly - Cameron's teacher committed to doing this every week. So stay tuned to some exciting shots of Cameron's School Daze. Here are a few from this past week.
Daddy and Cameron getting ready to head out the door for school
Mommy trying to compose herself before she leaves Cameron for the day
Cameron and his teacher Ms. Kelly
Daddy snapping Cameron in before they leave for school
Cameron's first art project for Mommy and Daddy

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'