
Fun Times @ Creme'

Cameron is doing so well at Creme'. The teachers love him and he loves them. Each day when I drop him off and he sees Miss Kelly he gets so excited and starts to smile and giggle. I told her he has the biggest crush on her. I am so proud of the progress he is making from being there. From what I understand from reading and talking to other mom's, he is ahead of the curve when it comes to his development - especially considering he was born 3 weeks early. Everyday when I pick him up I learn something new that he has done. From rolling over to mastering tummy time, I am so proud of MY BABY! I know I have said this before but honestly I don't think I have seen a baby who talks as much as Cameron. I don't know who he is talking to or what he is talking about but he is talking up a storm! I have tried to catch him in action so that I can share with everyone but whenever he sees me pulling out the camera he gets shy. I'll get him one day. I mentioned before that Miss Kelly promised to take pictures of him doing his daily activities, here are some pics of him from his first month there. What progress!


Day's of Our Lives

These Day's Cameron has been extremely busy. I found a great website "www.cozi.com" to help us keep up with his busy schedule. It's funny because people don't invite Jante' and I places anymore, it's all about Cameron. Besides his busy days at school, he has been to a BBQ cookout, Dave and Busters, dinner with friends, and to take his second set of professional pictures. Believe it or not this was all in one week! Next week Cameron will have his first swim lesson (with coach Daddy Glenn) - stay tuned. Here are a few pictures from his adventures of the week.


Alone Time

Cameron slept in his crib for the first time last week. Much to my surprise he is doing a really good in his room alone. While he is obviously not sleeping completely through the night yet - over the past couple of weeks he has been getting in a good 4-5 hour stretch! For some reason once he wakes up from that long stretch he then tends to wake up every hour and 1/2 until it is time to get up. Also he is not sleeping on his back (as you can see from the pictures) but we keep trying. Jante' and I both slept on our stomachs when we were little so we know it's okay but we keep a close watch on him just in case. In the mornings when it is time to get up he is the Happiest Baby on the Block. He just laughs and coos and smiles at me like I am the best thing he has ever seen. His teacher at Gymboree said that he is the most talkative 12 week old she has ever seen. That tells me he will be just like his mommy, always having something to say.


School Daze

As many of you know Jante' and I spent some time looking for Cameron a Nanny in preparation for my return to work. Jante' and I went back and forth about if we would use a Nanny or a Day Care for Cameron and initially we decided the Nanny was going to be the route to go. After looking for several months and not finding the right person in which we felt comfortable with leaving Cameron with for 8 hours + each day in our home we figured we better have a back up plan. We started looking for a Day Care for Cameron just in case we had no luck with finding the right Nanny. We looked at a few places but once again, no place stood out to us a the right fit for our beautiful baby boy until talking to a coworker friend who had just had a baby. Kourtney recommended we check out Creme de la Creme (because it was only 3 mins from my job and they had an outstanding rating for the city of Cincinnati). Well let me tell you, from the moment we saw the state of the art facilities and met the teachers we knew we had found the right place! Besides the high tech security, the water park, the dance studio, the art studio, the tennis and basketball courts and the multiple outdoor play areas - the curriculum is top notch. Plus they have some of the best teacher to child ratios and lowest teacher turnover rates in the state. While we know Cameron will not use all of these "benefits" right now, knowing that he will have access to them as he gets older is extremely comforting. Each day the teachers work hard to make sure they expose the kids (even the little ones like Cameron) to activities in each of the following areas: Sensory/Art, Movement, Literacy, Music, Curiosity and Dramatic Play. Once we left there we knew the search for a Nanny was over. We felt that not even the best Nanny in the world could compete with this exposure. Plus it saves us some money from having to install a Nanny cam to make sure she is not just watching TV all day! (hahaha) I got a great recommendation from a coworker friend to take a camera to school and have the teacher take pictures of some of the things I will miss Cameron do while he is there (great idea, Thanks Melissa). Ms. Kelly - Cameron's teacher committed to doing this every week. So stay tuned to some exciting shots of Cameron's School Daze. Here are a few from this past week.
Daddy and Cameron getting ready to head out the door for school
Mommy trying to compose herself before she leaves Cameron for the day
Cameron and his teacher Ms. Kelly
Daddy snapping Cameron in before they leave for school
Cameron's first art project for Mommy and Daddy


Auntie Tiffy

Over the 4th weekend Cameron FINALLY met Auntie Tiffy. Tiffany has been one of my best friends for the past 15 years. We met during "FASTREC" at Tuskegee (a program for Engineering students entering their Freshman year of college). We were placed together as roomates and instantly became best friends. Besides being one of the sweetest people I know, she is a true comedian. Anytime you need to laugh or just be around someone positive she is your girl. She was the host for Cameron's Family Celebration (see blog post Family Celebration 4/26) and she has been a great "Auntie" to Cameron every since. Buying he and Mommy gifts galore! To prove how great of a friend she is when we were planning to meet for lunch I mentioned to her that I would love a piece of caramel cake from "Piece of Cake" - my favorite cake store in Atlanta and she went out of her way to go and get me a piece. She did this several times when I was pregnant but now that Cameron is here I really had no excuse request any. She didn't care, she went to get the cake anyway, Thanks Petty! Tiffany joined Cameron and I for lunch and she had a great time playing with him. While she wanted to take him home with her I told her by the time he ate her out of a house and a home she would want to send him back!! Check out a few pics of the two of them.


Cam and Jante - 12 Weeks

I can't believe it but Cameron has been here 12 Weeks already! While we still have another week before is big "3 Month" birthday I wanted to update his main Blog picture with one of my favorites from this week. We go for his 2nd set of professional shots later this month (his actual 3 month pictures) so stay tuned because I will update his main Blog picture every 3 months so everyone can see how quickly he is growing.


Happy Forth of July!!!

For the 4th we went to Georgia to visit Nana and the rest of the family. As usual Cameron did great in the car (he is truly a road warrior like his mommy and daddy). We had a fabulous time, visiting family, eating some good food and just having fun being together. One thing I have noticed in the past is that Cameron LOVES being outside. This was even more evident while we were at Nana's for the 4th. She has a ton of land and because the weather was nice we were able to spend a lot of time outside. Every day Nana would take Cameron on a walk (several times) and he loved it! Here are some pictures of us while we were there.

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'