
An Unscheduled Doctor's Visit

As I mentioned in my previous posting (Road Trip), Cameron was a mess in the hotel at night while in Alabama. Being first time parents Jante' and I were not sure what was going - so of course we took him to the doctor (can never be too careful). The doctor just laughed. He said it could have been anything, sleeping in a bed with us, new smells, new environment, etc. but that there was nothing for us to worry about. He also mentioned that sometimes between weeks 6-12 babies start these "fussy" phases because they are going through a growth spurt. Once we were back home things were much better. He is still fussy when it's time to eat but nothing like he was in the hotel. We don't have any "hotel stays" scheduled anytime soon so let’s hope he is much better by the time we go back for his christening. The other thing we found out during the doctor's visit was Cameron is now 10 lbs!!!!!!! It’s funny because I questioned my girlfriend Rhasheda as to what she was feeding her son because he was 14lbs at 4 months but looks like Cameron is well on his way there too. We asked the doc about this and he said not to worry, Cameron is in the 49th percentile and his weight gain should slow down over the next couple of months. He said even it he gets bigger than he should for his age (the first 6 months) he will thin out as he gets older and longer. Cubby or not, he is TOO cute! Check out shots of Cam over the past week.
These folks love kissing me, first Mommy now Daddy
I think I look like Mommy
Daddy, ENOUGH!!!!
Okay, I changed my mind, I look like Daddy



For Memorial Day the "new" Glenn family took a trip to Alabama. Cameron was able to meet new family members and enjoy being spoiled even more than normal. When ever I am home I have a few "staple" Restaurants that I MUST hit - Cameron was able to join us at those restaurants and see the city (and hot spots)of my home town. He did a great job in the car there and back but for some reason he was NOT liking the hotel. Let's just say our neighbors probably did not get much sleep! I really wanted to knock on their doors and tell them I was sorry. Let's hope they have kids and have experienced the loud screams!


Nana's Here

Nana (Jante's Mom) came to visit and what a GREAT time Cameron had. Of course she continued to spoil him. Holding him, singing to him, rocking him, walking him, etc! I have always heard, that's what Grandparents do, spoil them and leave them with their parents. That's okay though, we wouldn't have had it any other way. Because she was here for a while Jante' and I were able to get out a few times alone (Thanks Nana)!
Mommy and Me
Bath Time - I have to get clean for Nana
Nana can you help me Burp?
Jante and Nana
Nana checking me out (Prince can't miss being included)


A GREAT Mother's Day

What a first Mother's Day! I am so happy to be a part of the "Mother's Club". I continue to say - Why did we wait so long to do this? Cameron (and Jante') bought Mommy some gorgeous flowers and a new iPhone. And let me tell you I "teared up" when I read my card from Cameron. This was the first time I had a card that called me "Mommy" - how great!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'