
He's In!!!!!!!

All I can say is "THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!"  Many of you know that Jante' and I have been on a journey doing research for where Cameron will go to school.  Also many of you know the situation we (everyone in Atlanta) is dealing with when it comes to schools.  I'm sure like any city there are challenges with education but Atlanta is something special (referencing the teachers cheating scandal of 2012).  Honestly the public school system has not recovered from that.

Because of that we have been diligent in our research for the right place.  I'm a firm believer that ALL kids are different so you have to find the right place that matches their learning style.  Jante' and I are both products of public schools and if we lived in an area that had decent schools it would have been a no brainer.  But unfortunately we are not in that situation.  So private is had to be.

We searched LOW and HIGH, LONG and HARD and narrowed it down to 2 schools.  We then took that research to the next level and visited (several times at each school), had Cameron visit both schools, and spent 1:1 time with the Deans of Admission.  Next came the testing....and by the way did I tell you that Cameron scored in the top 7% of all kids in the state of GA!!!!  Lastly were the interviews.  Our baby passed with FLYING colors.  After all of this we decided that Woodward Academy would be our school of choice....then we had to get in!!!!

Well we got our answer today..........He is IN!!!!  Can you say OVERJOYED!!!!  It is a blessing on so many levels.  This is the beginning of what we pray will be a wonderful educational experience for Cameron.  One of the top rated (and the actual largest) independent schools in the country here we come!!!!!  Now we have to prepare to house hunt to get closer to the school.  Parents one piece of advice.....make your life triangle (the distance between work, school and home) as small as possible!  Here's to many after school programs, games and activities!  Praise God!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'