
Costume BDay Party for Preston

A few weeks ago Cameron was invited to Preston's 5th Rock Start themed birthday party.  He was extremely excited (and so were we).....his 1st dress up party.  Jante' and I went back and forth about who Cameron would be.  Since he loves Michael Jackson so much it was an easy guess for me.  But to my surprise and dismay Cameron did NOT want to be MJ.  Wow, he didn't want to be the biggest ROCK STAR of all time??? So after the disappointment we go to the Party City website for plan B.  Much to my surprise Mr. Cameron decides that he wants to be Elvis Presley.......yes, Blue Suede shoes himself!  This meant mommy had to figure out how to make this work.

After getting to the store I was told, "Sorry Ma'am, we don't carry Elvis Presley costumes for a 4 year old".  What was I to do?  Now I was on to plan C.  After walking around the same 5 aisles for 20 minutes I had a brilliant idea.  Why not a rapper?  This was the "P Dilly Rock Star Tour" so I'm sure P Diddy wanted to have some friends along.  And Cameron has been coming home singing "Gold all in my chain, gold all in my ring" (Thanks to Derrick Hooks' little boy Cobey! - LOL)

Yes, mommy got caught up in the madness.  So Lil' Ron from Run DMC it was.  An old school look with a new school sound.  Let's just say he won best costume.  This was adorable!!!!!


JCCC Not So Scary Halloween Parade

It was that time again......time for the JCCC Not So Scary Halloween Parade.  There was NO question who Cameron was going to be.  He was sure to tell me "Mommy, I want to the a Stealth Ninja, the black and red one".  And let me tell you in case you didn't know, stealth ninja's come in different colors so I had to be sure to get the black and red one because the black and green one has different powers........Wow, I guess I know now!

We saw so many cute costumes but I have to say I had the pleasure of being escorted by the best looking stealth ninja I have EVER seen!!!!!  After the parade was a nice breakfast with our class friends.  Once again it was a blast!!!!!  Now all I have to do is get the powered donut stains out of the costume before Halloween!!! 


Happening Now

It's Movie Time!!!!!


Another Busy Weekend

We are starting to see what other families mean when they say "weekends are crazy".  In addition to our normal weekend activities we still have to celebrate with friends.  This weekend it was Sheniyha's 5th birthday party.  She had a Minnie Mouse themed party at one of the Jump Zone places.  Cameron was ready for some fun with his friends.


Rock Ranch

I've been at Chick-fil-A now for almost 2 years and the one question I get more often than most is "Have you taken Cameron to the Rock Ranch yet?"  An unfortunately until now I have had to respond "No".  Well this weekend that response changed.

The Rock Ranch is a cattle ranch that Truett Cathy (the founder of CFA) bought and dedicated to growing "healthy" families.  It is over 1100 acres of fun, fresh fruits and vegetables and activities.

We have been planning to go for a few weeks now but we were waiting on the right time for this crazy weather.  Today the weather was great (hot actually) and the perfect day to enjoy the activities.

Jante' and I talk all the time about creating "experiences" for Cameron as he grows up and this was truly one for the books.  Cameron (and mommy) even got a chance to do a little fishing!!!  Super Fun!


Another Friday Presentation

I shared with you that Cameron has homework every week!  In addition to their homework they have a weekly project that they present (and I do mean present.....with a microphone, can you say future public speaker) during Show and Share.

This week the project was a family tree.  We started with Cameron doing the project 100% himself, well I'm sorry, I couldn't let my booby go in there with what he produced.  So like the crazy mom I am I "lead" the project for him.  He was very helpful.  He told me exactly who he wanted on his family tree and he helped cut and glue.

I promise next time I will let him do it ALL......well, we will see. LOL!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'