
A Week of FUN!!

The Week ending 3/11/12
This was a great week!! No snags or issues at school and the weather was really nice so we were able to spend a good bit of time outside.
Weekly Outing
My friend Rhasheda and her family came to Atlanta to visit family and so we were able to spend some time with them. She has a 3 year old boy named Jackson (see previous post from the Aquarium). Cameron and Jackson had a BLAST. We spent time at a place called Kagazoom. It's a jump zone place where the adults can jump with the kids. As usual it took a few minutes before Cameron got "in-to" it but Jackson was there to show him the ropes. After seeing Jackson slide down the slide a few times Cameron was ready. Let's just say we had to tell them SEVERAL times that it was time for dinner before they were ready to go.
Quotes from the week
Here are a few of the funny things Cameron said this week.
1. After seeing some cows on the side of the road I said to Cameron, "Cameron do you know what kind of animals those are".....he says, "yes mommy, those are cows! You are so silly!"
2. After hearing me scream from stomping my toe on the ottoman Cameron comes up behind me and pats my leg and says "It's okay mommy, you didn't mean to!"
3. Jante' was talking to Cameron about football and Cameron says to him, "Daddy I want to be a quarterback...actually I want to be a running back".....yes, he said "actually" and used it in the proper context!
Quotes of the Week
President Barack Obama was in Atlanta for a campaign trip and there were TONS of police offices out. After seeing all the police Cameron asks "Mommy, look at all the police, what they doing?" I explained that the President was in town and I asked him if he knew who the Pres. was and he said No. I explained that the Pres. runs the country that we live in and he says "Oh, is Daddy the president Mommy?" He was extremely dissapointed when I told him no! LOL!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'