
Trick or Treat!!!!

It's that time of year again and the ghouls and goblins are out! This week has been a busy busy week but we had to make time to get Cameron ready for the Fall Festival at his school. I have been asking Cameron for about a month what he wanted to be for Halloween and every time I asked him he said something different. So of course this was my cue that his dad and I could still make the final decision. Since we had to make sure he stole the show like he did last year, I headed to the Internet to find the PERFECT costume. After ordering 3 different ones Cameron finally decides that he wants to be DJ Lance from Yo Gabba Gabba! At first I wasn't feeling it (remember mommy had already purchased 3 other costumes) but because he kept making a big deal about it I gave in.
We worked hard the night before the festival making treat bags for his friends (see how cute they are?) Then on the day of the big Festival I was in shock at how cute he was as DJ Lance! And of course once again.....he stole the show! His other little friends were so excited and screamed "DJ Lance, DJ Lance" ALL morning! It was hilarious!
DJ Lance led the crown (his friends) from room to room saying "Trick or Treat". Here are a few pics of he and his friends having a blast.


Warms My Heart!!!

This week we took a trip to AL to visit the family and as always Cameron had a BLAST. I have to tell you seeing Cameron with my dad and granddad just warms my heart! I think its because he doesn't get to see them as often but he didn't want to leave! In fact he kept telling me that he wanted to "stay with grandaddy, I want to stay with grandaddy!" Of course my dad wanted him to stay as well but I told him I can promise after about 3 days with Cameron running him crazy he would want to bring him home!
The video below really is the cutest thing ever. It's funny because I kept telling my grandaddy (who is 85 years old by the way) to take it easy. He literally was trying to run around after Cameron......not the best thing for an 85 year old. But of course just like his great grandson, you can't tell him anything!


Silly Cow

We hear it time and time again, Cameron should be on TV. Well I now believe them! I have taken a new job (for those of you whom I haven't told yet, yes I've decided to leave P&G) with Chick-fil-A. We all know that the Cow campaign that Chick-fil-A has is the best ever and Cameron knows as well. After hearing him say this (see video) I KNOW he could be on commercials! Too cute!


He's SO Healthy!!!!!!!!

Today we took Cameron for his 30 month check-up (and a flu shot). I personally was dreading this appointment because I promised Cameron if he took his flu shot like a big boy mommy would get one too! Well his appointment went GREAT. He is as healthy has could be. He is right on track with his weight (31 lbs) and his head circumference and 1/2 in above average on his height. In fact he has grown 2 2/1 inches in 6 months!!!!!! WOW!!! As far as intellect, Dr. Pitts thinks Cameron is far ahead of the average 2 1/2 year old. He couldn't believe how much Cameron knew as far as his letters and colors and sequential counting. We are so proud of our baby boy.
As for that flu shot, he got it without being too dramatic. He was fine until the nurse said, "Cameron, your leg may hurt a little bit but the pain won't last long". Well that was the end of that, as soon as he stood up he pretended he couldn't move his leg! It was HILARIOUS. Afterwards Dr. Pitts said that Cameron was not only extremely smart but that he should really be in the movies too since he is such a great actor!
As for the deal I made with Cameron, of course after I got my shot I had to act the same way he did so he could see how ridiculous he was acting.....however, I probably should have believed him......because my arm is KILLING me! LOL!


Future Tuskegee Football Player???

There is a running debut in the Glenn household, will Cameron go to Tuskegee or not? Of course mommy says yes.....I mean really, where else should he go? That is the place where his mommy and daddy met and had it not been for TU there would be no Cameron! Well Jante, says no, "Cameron needs to go to Harvard, or Penn State or somewhere where they have air conditioned dorm rooms". LOL! Well I agree with that.....SURELY TU will have nicer dorms by 2027!!!
Rather he goes to TU or not it was funny to see him in his football t-shirt that Auntie Tiffy bought him. He LOVED it and it was too cute on him.


Jaemor 2011

It's that time of year again and we are SO excited. We had been planning to take Cameron to Jaemor's pumpkin patch all week and the weather on Saturday did not disappoint. I was excited because I wanted to see Cameron ride the pony again and this time I was going to get it on video. I had my camera ready to video him but when we got there the man with the ponies was not there! How sad.... But that didn't stop us from having a great time.


Happy Birthday Auntie Margaret

Auntie Margaret celebrated a birthday today and so Cameron insisted on helping her celebrate. Yesterday we went to get her a flower (yes, he picked it out) and we took it to her today. She was very surprised and happy to see us. And Cameron did a great job of singing Happy Birthday to her. Check him out!

Happening Now

Cameron getting in some exercise before school today.


You want to read it AGAIN???

I am a great parent......BUT I have to admit after reading the same nursery rhyme book 3 times in one night - I am tired! I know that I am not alone, in fact research shows that kids ages 2-3 years old like repetition, so I am sure there are many parents out there just like me that skips SEVERAL pages of a 20 page book (lol!) I even tried to distract him by asking a questions (see video #2) but it didn't work.....he was right back at it!
Tonight I switched it up on Cameron and asked him to read to me. WOW, I was unaware that this would turn into a 1 hour event! I just had to get part of it on video.


Football Frenzy!!

I've said it time and time again, Cameron LOVEs him some McKenzie! He said McKenzie is his brother. Against my better judgement I told Cameron on Wednesday that we were going to McKenzie's homecoming game that Saturday. Well Saturday could not come fast enough! All night Wednsday and all day and night Thrusday and Friday Cameron kept asking when Saturday was coming (quite irritating).
So when Saturday came, Cameron was OVER JOYED! We were running a little behind so we actually didn't arrived at the game until after the game had already started. My, my, my, Cameron was NOT happy. He cried for like 5 minutes because he could not go on the field with McKenzie. Needless to say he was extrememly happy when the game was over and he was able to spend some quaility time with McKenzie.
McKenzie was extremely happy to see Cameron as well and he picked him up and walked around with him like the great brothers they are. Oh, did I mention McKenzie is the STAR of the team? Well he is and everybody was coming up to McKenzie to congratulate him. It was so funny to see because Cameron would not let anyone near McKenzie - he acted as if he was McKenzie's body guard! Just protecting his brother I guess. He said he will be like McKezie when he "gets to be a big boy".


Happening Now - Baker's Man

Cameron is becoming quite fond of helping me bake daddy's weekly treat. This week we made (or shall I say Cameron made) his daddy Caramel cupcakes. New recipe.....yum, yum.

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'