
Lunch with Daddy

Each Saturday morning Jante' takes Cameron out and spends some quality time with him (and give mommy a chance to spend some quality time alone)! We then normally go to lunch. Well not today, my husband decides he would cook for the family. Beef and Broccoli it was! Yum, yum. Here my two boys are enjoying lunch together. Oh how sweet!


The "Play Doh" Compromise

Growing up one of the things I HATED was the smell of Play Doh. Don't ask me why but I'm just weird like that. So when Cameron asked me for some Play Doh a couple of months ago I refused! Then literally on the days when they played with Play Doh at school he would come home asking for some. So being the great mother that I am I broke down and bought that sweet baby some Play Doh. Wouldn't you know it, the smell of Play Doh has been a problem for many people so the company has corrected it! Here Cameron is having a GREAT time with his Play Doh....and mommy even played too!



I know, we've been MIA for a few weeks! Things have been busy but fun around the Glenn house but I am back on it.
Below are a few pictures of Cameron from the past week. He had a chance to spend some time with Auntie Tiffy and as you can see they are now boyfriend and girlfriend! He also had a play date with his new "brother" Jackson at the Atlanta Aquarium. They were BOTH wore OUT afterwards! Too funny.


Yoga Instructor??

Like mother, like son.......Cameron has started to show signs that he will be going to yoga class with mommy real soon! Normally around 7:30am on Saturday mornings we hear the sweet sounds of Cameron screaming "Mommy, ....come here mommy" from the monitor. That's my que to get up and get our day started. I started helping Cameron "stretch" before getting him out of his crib (telling him I was helping him become limber). Well it's working. I caught him stretching on his own today so I showed him a few yoga moves and wouldn't you know it, he's better than mommy! I told him I was going to start taking him to class with me. I promise he would steal the show! That's my boy. Now I just have to teach him how to say "Namaste".
Happy Baby Pose
Downward Facing Dog
One Legged Downward Facing Dog


Happening Now

Playing "pop the balloons" on mommy's iPhone.


Relaxing with Daddy

Sunday evening I realized that Cameron and Jante' had been "missing" for about 20 minutes. I walked through the house to find them sitting on the steps talking. I asked Jante' what they were doing and he said they were having a "Father/Son talk about Life". After laughing for about 5 minutes I went back with my camera to asked Cameron to "recap" his day for me. This is what I got........

Lunch Out

Are kids not the funniest ever? After lunch today Cameron was DEAD SET on taking his chicken sandwich "To Go"! It was hilarious. I wonder if him being so persistent with getting his way now is an indication of what we have to look forward to in the future????? Probably!


Happening Now

I had my camera ready to video Cameron dancing his "booty" off. But as usual, as SOON as I pull out the camera he wants to do something else. TYPICAL!!


Umm, I smell good

Part of the Glenn boy's routine each morning is to put on "cologne" before school. Here you see Cameron excited about this step (as usual) and smelling it to make sure he smells good before he leaves for school.
Thanks daddy, I love this part!
Yeah, now I smell like Daddy
All ready now Mommy


Happy 4th of July!!!!

Happy 4th of July to everyone! Cameron had a chance to spend some quality time with his favorite cousin McKenzie(his brother as he calls him) while mommy and daddy took a little weekend getaway. While we were gone Cameron enjoyed every minute of his time with his family during the "Moon" family reunion (that's Nana Mary's maiden name).
We did return in time to spend Monday the 4th with him. We did not attend the fireworks because Cameron is in the 9th stage of REM by 8:05pm! I'm hoping that maybe next year he can stay up long enough for us to go. So instead we spent the morning at home and the evening with the family. But don't fret, Cameron LOVED playing with his 4th of July "toys". Here are a few pics.


Green Thumb!!

Cameron hangs out with his Auntie Margaret often and because she LOVES to garden she has been helping Cameron establish a green thumb. Every time he goes to visit they go outside to water the plants and talk to them. On Easter Sunday (April 24th) she helped him plant some sunflower seeds. The seeds were watered and talked to to help them grown. To everyone's surprise the sunflower has bloomed beautifully! I can't believe it! In just 2 months this thing is gorgeous. See for yourself.
Cam planting the sunflowers with Auntie Margaret
Cam and Auntie Margaret working in the yard
The Results!
Me, Cam and Nana posing in front of the sunflower

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'