
Mommy's Little Helper

Cameron is such a great helper. One of the things I remember the nurse telling me when I was in the hospital with Cameron was to make sure we start him "helping" early. She said ALL kids need a job. So we make sure Cameron is doing his part. Here he is helping Mommy put his trash away.


Choo Choo Dance

Cameron has a morning routine where he watches Handy Mandy and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse before school. In between the two shows is a intermission where Dance A-Lot Robot shows the kids how to do a dance. This morning Dance A-Lot taught the kids the "Choo-Choo Dance". Check out Cameron trying to learn the dance.


Pic(s) of the Week

We all know that I am NO cook. Baker, yes, chef NO. But I will say I have a few "specials" that are probably better than most you will eat. One is my spaghetti. Simple dish but honestly my sauce is world class (LOL). But I have to ask, Cameron - is it really THIS good?



In addition to all of Cameron's play-dates (with Mommy and Me of Gwinnett County and Braselton Mom's Club - stay tuned for pics) we decided to get Cameron enrolled in Kindermusik. Kindermusik is a music and movement class where kids can dance, play and participate in musical activities with other kids. As you have seen in previous postings, Cameron LOVES music and dancing so we thought what better way to get him exposure to music than through this program. Tonight was our first night of class and we had a BLAST. I was a little afraid because I know Cameron can't sit still very long and I wasn't for sure if he would be "entertained" for the entire 45 minutes. But he did GREAT. The teacher (Mrs. Dana) encourages movement so this was right up Cameron's alley. There were 8 other kids there but Cameron stole the show! All the parents were like "Wow, Cameron catches on so quickly", "he is such a good helper". He played so well with the other kids and he really enjoyed dancing and playing with the instruments. I have to admit I was pretty proud of my sweetie. Here are a few pics from the class.


The BIG Day

Well TODAY was the day, Cameron is officially a Toddler Club Member. I have to say I was SO excited to see him in his new uniform - walking into his classroom. I have a big boy now. His teacher told me that he was off to a great start (since he started his transition about a week ago). I can't wait to get more pictures of him in his class - especially eating at the table. I will keep you posted on his "progress".
Here are a few pics of him from his 1st Day!
The bag(s) of Goodies (his uniforms)
The Goodies
Cam catching some "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" before school
Looking out the window for the bus?
He just figured out the bus wasn't coming
Cam's Cubby Hole
Bailey taking off her shirt for Cameron
Now Bailey is taking Cam's shorts off - the girls these days!


He is ALL Boy

It is becoming increasingly clear that Cameron is ALL boy. He is getting into EVERYTHING! If you show him how to do something one time he wants to do in again and again - with or without you. A prime example was Sunday after church we were at Nana's and he decides he wants to "walk" up and down the steps. McKenzie helped him down the steps one time and then Cameron decides that he knows how to go up and down the steps on his own. It's fun to watch him take on new challenges but I have to admit it's a little scary. But I guess it's like they say, "Boys will be Boys".
Cam and Auntie Nee'
Cam and Mommy
Me trying to hold him down
Cam taking a break


Big Week for Cameron

Next week is a Big week for Cameron as he will transition from the Infant "C" class to Toddlers Club at Creme'. I am so happy for him! He has been doing so well in his class and now get gets to move up with the big boys! He is only 15 1/2 months but he has been going over to the Toddler class and playing with them (because they have more boys in the class) and he has been doing exceptionally well. So when the Director (Mrs. Brooke) asked if we were okay with Cameron transitioning early we had NO problem. I am a little nervous for him just because he will be the youngest in the class but I know he will do just fine.
The key differences with him moving to the Toddler's Club is:
1. He will have new teachers. Ms. Thina and Ms. Leah. They have 22 years of experience between the two so I know they will take great care of him.
2. The Toddlers have quite a bit of movement in their class. Every 30 minutes they rotate to a new subject. For example at 9:30 they have Literacy and then transition to Vocabulary at 10:00 and then to Art Projects at 10:30. Whew, he will be busy. Oh and the fun part about moving all around the building is they get to walk in "straight lines" vs. taking the buggy like they do now. So it is really like being in school. I hope I don't get a progress report at the end of the day saying Cameron was not in the line! LOL!
3. Cameron will now get out of his highchair because the Toddlers eat at the table with their spoon and fork instead of in a highchair. This is a big step for Mr. Cameron. I can't wait to see this.
4. And last but certainly not least the biggest difference is Cameron will now have to wear a uniform! Yes, a uniform in the school at 15 1/2 months! Jante' said this is just a way for the schools to make more money but I think it is TOO cute. The uniform is on order so as soon as they come in I will get a picture to share.


Pic of the Week

My Pic of the Week. Cameron hanging out with Nana.


Walking the Dog

Cameron loves to try to "walk" Prince. But of course this means he has to track Prince down to put the leash on him. We realized that Cameron is very observant (sometimes I say nosey). But these observations have made him quite smart. Watch him as he knows exactly which end of the leash to "try" to put on Prince's collar.


Wing City2City

As you know from Cameron's blog we try to do some type of Family outing each week. Well, it looks like those Family Outings will be put on hold for a while. Its bitter sweet but the reason for the "hold" is because Wing City2City will be opening on Tuesday of this week. Of course Cameron and I are SO excited for Jante' but this means long hours and longer weekends for Daddy! Cameron and I will be holding it down for the family so we will continue our outings but we will be looking forward to the times when Daddy can join us again. Until then it's WINGS for EVERYONE!


The Glenn's and an RV??????

I know this may surprise you but Jante' and I have been talking about getting an RV for a while now. To be clear, Jante' wants this more than me however I am beginning to come around to the idea. You all know we love to travel and now that we have Cameron we are really excited about traveling more with him. The RV came about for two main reasons. First, we have a Travel Plan of "50 by 50" where we plan to travel to the 50 Continental US states by the time we are 50. And honestly unless you do a "Road Trip" there are several states that most people just wont get to (North and South Dakota are prime examples). Secondly, most of you know that Jante' really doesn't like to fly. He will fly if he has to but he would prefer to drive. The good thing about being back in GA is we really can drive to several places within a day and really enjoy ourselves. With that said, the vision of having and RV came about. So this weekend we decided to take Cameron and visit the RV dealership. After a quick bite at the local Steak and Shake we were touring some of the best the RV place had to offer. As you can see from the pics looks like Cameron is an RVer already and he may even do some of the driving!



Cameron loves to watch TV (like his momma). From Matlock to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse any chance he gets to sit in front of the TV he takes it. Unfortunately the way our furniture is made it's not very comfortable for him to sit on the couch and watch TV. So when one of my best friends (Rhasheda Boyd) told me how much her son enjoys his "Anywhere Chair" I had to see about ordering Cameron one. After some research I made the purchase and 4 days later the chair arrived. From the moment I took it out of the box I LOVED it. Next was the big test, would Cameron love it too. Can you tell that he (and Prince) loves it as well?
**Side bar note - I did not put Prince in Cam's chair. He actually was put in Time Out after I caught him. Cameron doesn't mind sharing but trust me Prince has his own bed. In fact he has several!


A Great Saturday at Nana's!

We have been extremely busy these past few weeks and decided we would take a little time to just RELAX! So that called for a nice long day at Nana's for Cameron. She cooked out and we had much fun laughing and kidding around. McKenzie was there so you know Cameron had a blast with his "big brother". In fact he had so much fun and was all over the place that he fell and busted his lip! It wasn't too bad but you know I was scared to death when I saw blood. Cameron took it like a champ and after the initial scare wore off he was just fine. As you can see from the pictures and video a swollen lip did not slow him down!
Oh When the Saints!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'