
Cameron turns 14 Months!!!

Cameron turned 14 months today! It is wonderful to watch him progress in his development from day to day. To celebrate I made him (well really me) some sports cupcakes. Check out how far he has come....
**He is walking everywhere! I can see him running soon
**He still only has a few words that we can hear clearly but he is making a ton of noises so I think in his mind he is talking up a storm. His new word is Coca-Cola - I wonder where he gets that from (LOL).
**He weighs in at 23 lbs! His belly is probably 5 of those 23 lbs. Grandaddy says he feels like he weighs 75 lbs! I told him it is because my baby is "Big-Boned". Like some bones are really bigger than others - hahahaha
**He knows where is belly-button, ears, feet and head are. Thumbs up means something is good, while a thumbs down means it's bad. He can sign "eat" and "more" like a pro and working on "no" and "thank you".
**He knows how to hold his hands like he is "hiking" a football. Humm, do I see NFL money in his future? He also loves to roll the basketball back and forth to his daddy. He is working on bouncing the ball now - woo, woo. So maybe it's NBA money I see in his future, that's a guaranteed contract!
**Talking on the phone is his new favorite thing to do. It's so funny because he gets mad when he puts the phone to his ear and can't hear anybody on the other end. Too cute!
Can't wait to see what the next month will bring us!
I'll eat this Vanilla Wafer until the Cupcakes are ready
Cupcakes from Mommy
Yes, it was worth the wait
"Ahh, what can I get into now?"

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'