
What a Week!

What a Week! So all I have to say is what a waste of 1 hour 1/2 we spent at the Emergency Room last week. As I posted last week, we went to the ER and the doctor said Cam had a slight case of pink eye and no longer had an ear infection. Being the great mom that I am I decided that I should take Cameron to his regular pediatrician on Monday. We went in and low and behold the ear infection was more inflamed than ever! So who knows what the ER doctor was talking about (really I want my $100 refunded!) Because Cam had already taken 3 sets of oral antibiotics we had to go to the injection antibiotics. Of course I was sad about this but Dr. Cook felt this could really help him. Because the injections are a series of 3 shots we had to get a shot on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday! I have to say I could see significant improvement after the first shot! My boo boo had no more mucus (in his eyes or nose) and he physically looked better. Oh and by the way did I mention Jante was out of town? So Mommy was doing this all by herself.
One good thing was we were scheduled to be in Alabama visiting the family but because Jante had to go out of town for work we needed to reschedule our trip to Alabama to next week. So honestly it could have been worst - all this could have happened while we were away from his doctor. Another good thing is because he was doing so much better we were able to visit with Auntie Tiffy. It took a minute but he warmed right up to her and she ATE him up! They were so cute together, he even got to stay up late and play with her. Here are a few shots from the week.
Fun Times with Auntie Tiffy
All Smiles
I feel so much better!
Daddy's Back!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'