
Cameron is 11 Months!!!!!!!

On Monday Cameron turned 11 Months!!!! I know I say it every month but I can not believe he is getting so big so quickly! In less than 4 weeks he will be the big ONE! As most of you know by now (because the invites have already gone out) Cameron's 1 year Birthday will be a Carnival Theme. Now I have to tell you one of the things I dreamed about before having Cameron was how crazy would I get for birthday's. Honestly I thought I would be one of those mom's that planned a pretty nice party but I can not believe how crazy I have gotten over planning this party. I mean really, you only turn ONE once right? I know the party will be for Jante' and I because Cameron won't know what's going on but we are just excited to have family and friends help us celebrate this great year with us.
While I have gone a little overboard for the party after looking online I can promise you I am no where near as crazy as some mothers. I mean spending THOUSANDS of dollars seemed to be the norm! I figure I can't go that crazy at one because what would I do when he turns 2? So stay tuned for pictures from "Cameron's 1st Birthday Carnival Bash".
Development Update Cameron is not walking yet and I am thinking he will not be walking by his first birthday but each day he is becoming more independent and wanting to do things on his own. He has added "nana" to his vocabulary but still no "mama" - don't know what's up with that. I tell him every time I am the one who carried him for 37 weeks! He is at 22 lbs (big boy) and still doing his army crawl - too cute. We continue to read to him pretty much every day so hopefully he will pick up on a few more words soon.

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'