
While You Were Out

For the first time since Cameron was born Jante' and I decided we would take a trip. New Years is always a good time to get away and what better place to spend New Years than in Vegas! Its funny because before Cameron was born we LOVED to travel (and still do) and we said, "We will be taking trips without Cameron all the time"......umm......NOT! Neither one of us wanted to leave that sweet baby but we knew we needed a break. However because we were going to be gone for a week we had to prepare ourselves mentally. We knew it would be hard but who knew it would be THIS hard. Cameron was in great hands with Nana but of course we rung her phone off the hook by calling several times per day. She said he did great while we were gone but we missed two major milestones. His top 2 teeth came through and he did his first "real" crawling. Can you believe it! It was like coming back to a different baby. When we got back he had to put on a show for us (see video). As for the crawling, I say it's more like he is doing the "worm" across the floor right now but he is well on his way. Give him a few weeks and we won't be able to keep up with him. And as for another trip without our booboo - it will most certainly be awhile! I am sure by the time he is 5 years old we will be BEGGING for a break away. LOL!!!!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'