
A Saturday Doctor's Visit

While at Cameron's 9 month doctor's checkup we found out that he had an ear infection. We would have never known because he had not been fussy or given us any signs that he wasn't feeling well. We were given a Rx and like a champ Mr. Cameron took it for the 10 days like he was instructed. Interestingly enough after he took his last day of medicine Jante' noticed that he kept reaching for his right ear. That same day we were told from his teacher that he didn't take his bottle. Even though he wasn't fussy, Cameron not taking a bottle is like a BIG RED FLAG that something is wrong - he NEVER passes up food! So I called the doctor's office to see if we could come in on Saturday. As suspected, his ear infection had not gone away and so we had to get more medicine to help clear it up. I was proud of him because even after all the poking and prodding from the doctor, he was still the sweetest baby ever. Check him out having fun while waiting and once we returned home.


Kayla's Biggest Fan

Kayla Lewis is the daughter of some of our closet friends (Melissa and Birdell). She is truly the sweetest 8 year old girl you will ever meet! Extremely articulate, smart and a cutie pie! She is also very active with extracurricular activities - she keeps her mommy and daddy busy. One of her current activities is Basketball and she is the STAR of the team. Mr. Cameron has become her biggest fan. Here we are at her last game. She was the high score player with 14 points! You Go Girl!



To all of Cameron's Family and Friends, I am sorry Cameron's updates have been Missing in Action. I lost the USB cord for my camera. But now we are back in action! Here are a few shots and videos from the past two weeks.


Cameron is 9 Months Old!

Wow, I can't believe it!! Cameron is now 9 months old. He had his 9 month check up with Dr. Cook and it went extremely well. He weighed in at 20 lbs,2 oz and is 28 1/2 inches long. She said he looks great and he is progressing along exactly as he should be. Cameron was extra "flirty" this time with Dr. Cook and she was eating it up! She spent more time with us during this visit just so she could see him laugh and giggle at her. I told Cameron to keep the flirting to a minimum - All his kisses and the laughing belong to me! To celebrate I made Cameron some Red Velvet cupcakes (well okay, they were really for me). I let him taste the icing this time - I think he liked it! After visiting with her I am now more comfortable with starting to integrate more solids and table foods into Cameron's diet. Don't get me wrong, no hot dogs and crazy junk food for him right now but I believe a little "real" sweet potatoes and maybe a french fry every now and then will be okay. It's interesting because when Jante' and I eat dinner at night he sits there and watches us like "Can I have some PLEASE"! She suggested having him sit at the table with us and give him something he can feed himself so he feels "included" in the nightly dinner routine. I will keep you posted on how that goes. We are looking forward to these last few months before his 1st birthday. He is getting more and more mobile. Still doing the army crawl but he is FAST with it. He's starting to pull up on his own and getting more and more independent. I am sad that one day soon he is not even going to want me to hold him. I will be sick when that day comes. So right now I am going to soak it up and spoil him rotten!


While You Were Out

For the first time since Cameron was born Jante' and I decided we would take a trip. New Years is always a good time to get away and what better place to spend New Years than in Vegas! Its funny because before Cameron was born we LOVED to travel (and still do) and we said, "We will be taking trips without Cameron all the time"......umm......NOT! Neither one of us wanted to leave that sweet baby but we knew we needed a break. However because we were going to be gone for a week we had to prepare ourselves mentally. We knew it would be hard but who knew it would be THIS hard. Cameron was in great hands with Nana but of course we rung her phone off the hook by calling several times per day. She said he did great while we were gone but we missed two major milestones. His top 2 teeth came through and he did his first "real" crawling. Can you believe it! It was like coming back to a different baby. When we got back he had to put on a show for us (see video). As for the crawling, I say it's more like he is doing the "worm" across the floor right now but he is well on his way. Give him a few weeks and we won't be able to keep up with him. And as for another trip without our booboo - it will most certainly be awhile! I am sure by the time he is 5 years old we will be BEGGING for a break away. LOL!!!!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'