
Cam Turns 8 Months!

This week Cameron turned 8 months old. I honestly can't believe it. He has become such a BIG boy. As you have seen over the past few months he is growing and growing, getting bigger and longer each day. If I had to guess I would say he is probably about 19 (solid) pounds right now. While we don't have another doctor's appointment until his 9 month check up I am pretty sure I am close in guessing his weight. ( I can tell by how tired my arms are when I carry him - LOL).
Development Track I know every baby is different in their development but I can't help but compare Cameron to the other little boys in his class. I have to say he is ahead of his classmates when it comes to his fine motor skills and his vocal skills. He is much more vocal than others in his class (sometimes not in a good way). He does this thing now where he will just start to scream at the top of his lungs. It is not a crying scream but a laughing one but it is SO loud it is ridiculous! It sounds like he is trying to hit a Mariah Carey note or something. Too funny. His favorite word to say is da-da. Yes da-da. I have not heard ma-ma yet but I know its coming soon.
The Teeth Cameron's bottom two teeth came in right before he turned 6 months old. He really didn't know what to do with them when they were fully in. When I would put the spoon in his mouth he would try to chew on it because he was not use to them being there. Now he has one top tooth coming in. You can see it starting to poke out and when you put your finger in his mouth you can feel it. It's going to be funny to see him so young with top and bottom teeth! Then again, you never know. It may take months for those top ones to finally come in.
Crawling - NOT One area in which Cameron is not ahead of the rest of his classmates is with crawling. Again, I know all babies are different and some babies don't crawl at all but because Cameron is on his belly most of the time I thought he would be crawling by now. Don't get me wrong, he can get anywhere he wants to go but not from crawling - from either scooting or rolling over to get there (see video). Jante' and I say it every day - he is going to be a handful when he starts to crawling and walking. Just watching him trying to get from point A to point B he is so determined. If he is sitting in your arms and he sees something he wants, you would think he was 100 lbs because he uses his strength to maneuver to where he wants to go. We will see how much longer it takes for little man to start to crawl!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'