
C. Alexander's First Weeks

Cameron's first few weeks have been quite adventurous. From family and friends visiting to getting to know his new brother Prince to visiting the doctor for the first time. He left the hospital weighing 6.1 lbs and by Day 5 he was up to 6.6 lbs! Wow - Dr. Cook said he is right on track! He is still trying to figure out why Prince keeps sniffing him but I am happy because I can tell already Prince is going to be very protective of him. We have also been able to get out and enjoy the great weather. (Don't worry we are staying away from big crowds - don't want to catch the swine flu). Jante' was off so we ventured out to the Park one day and walked the neighborhood on other days when the weather was nice. (Cam is going to be a road warrior like Mommy and Daddy). He also has been sleeping very well. I was so nervous about this "sleep deprivation" thing but I must say it has not been that bad. While he is only sleeping about 3 hours at a time at night, I know he will be up to 5 or 6 in no time flat! That's My Boy!!!
Auntie Chelle playing with Cameron
Daddy trying to do his fatherly duties (changing Cam's diaper) at the pediatrician's office
The family taking a walk around the neighborhood and Daddy getting a shot
Cam trying to see if it is time to go
Mommy trying to get Cam to smile for the camera while at the park
I love giving Cameron kisses, doesn't look like he likes it as much
Prince sniffing again!


After 37 Weeks - I am Here

After 37 weeks we were finally able to see our new Baby Boy. I can honestly say he did not give me any problems at all! As many of you know my fluid levels were up and down throughout the pregnancy. Because of this I was on bed rest (several times). This was hard for me because I felt so good- I could not figure out what was wrong. I never understood it but now I know what people mean when they say they loved being pregnant. I received extra special treatment from Jante' AND I got to eat what I wanted - what more could you ask for? As the pregnancy neared the end my nerves started to shift to "what will the labor be like"? The best advice I received (thanks to Soror Shaquan-and I vowed to pass this on to other pregnant women) is every labor is different - do not listen to another person's situation and think yours will be the same because chances are it will not. Labor and Delivery was very uneventful. I didn't even get a chance to use all the techniques we learned in class - I want my money back!

The Big Surprise!!

What a surprise!!!!! I must say it is hard to surprise me because you know I like to know everything that goes on. But Greg, Robin, Teresa and Donna threw me a GREAT shower without me even knowing anything about it! And to make it even better - Jante' was there! Greg fooled me and told me we were having a meeting at 3pm so as usual I had my 3pm snack ready (cheese popcorn). I should have known something was going on as we headed to one of the largest meeting rooms in the building for a meeting in which only 4 people were scheduled to be in attendance! I was totally caught off guard as I entered the room and saw so many of my co-workers and the most handsome man I know there with a dozen red roses (that would be my husband). Thanks to all of you for the great gifts!


Family Celebration

On Saturday February 21st more than 60 friends and family members joined us for a Family Celebration to welcome Mr. C. Alexander into the world. Renee (my sister in law) and Tonya (her friend) put together an OUTSTANDING event. Because they needed an outstanding host to MC the event Renee asked Tiffany P. to do what she does best - put on a show. As usual she delivered. She was hilarious and got the crowd into it. She even had folks singing in front of everyone. Mr. Cameron received more gifts than we could have ever imagined. He was well prepared to enter the world with all of the necessities!


Mommy - I Grew Inside Your Heart and Your Tummy

Check me out throughout the pregnancy. I was extremely happy because baby Glenn cooperated with me throughout the entire 37 weeks. No swollen feet, nose or any of that! Thanks Sweetie.


I Just Knew

Jante' and I had been together for 13 years when we found out that we were pregnant. Obviously we had talked about having kids but with our careers and just enjoying time together we kept putting it off. Once we started to get "serious" about trying to get pregnant it didn't take long. On September 5th I told Jante' I thought we needed to make a run to the local Wal-Greens for a test (Clear Blue because we know P&G has the best products). Jante' wasn't for sure but I Just Knew the test would come back positive. The test said results should be "clear" within 2 minutes. 30 Seconds later we found out the great news.......we would soon be a Mommy and a Daddy!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'