
Another Wonderful Christmas

Our Glenn family tradition continues.....dinner on Christmas Eve and then get dressed up in our new pajama's for the reading of the Christmas story from the bible.  So wonderful that this year Cameron could tell us the story of "Baby Jesus in the manger".  (So cute).

Oh, and did I mention ALL of the gifts under the tree were for Cameron?  This boy is so spoiled it is ridiculous!  I know, I know......we did it.  However I will say, I don't mind giving him all the things he wants as long as he continues to be the respectful, grateful, humble child he is.

I pray your Christmas Holiday was a great one as well!


Zachery's Last Night With Us

Well, tonight we say goodbye to Zachery until next year.  I'm pretty proud of Jante' and I for not forgetting him a single night (well actually I did forget him one night but Jante' got to him before Cameron could see).  We were a team and made this a success.

Zachery really did help to make sure Cameron was on his best behavior this holiday season. Zachery tried to help "seal the deal" by telling Cameron to "Be Good" until he sees him again.   Now let's see if Cameron can take a hint!   (yeah right)

Check him out his last few nights with us.


Marvel Live

Another great event!!!!  Parents, if Marvel live comes to your town and you can go I suggest making it a date!!!  Cameron and Michael had a blast!!!  Thanks Alicia and Kevin for the invite!!


This Elf!!!!!

This Elf is hilarious!!!  Look at what he has been up to this week!


Party Planning

These past two weeks have been crazy (as I am sure it has been for you as well).  Between Christmas parties for me at CFA, Jante' at Target and us for some friends we have been swamped!  Then on top of that we still had Cameron's first Christmas Program at Woodward along with his class party.

You know supermom (i.e. me) had to volunteer to co-chair the class party.  Because I was serving double duties as class room Parent and Co-Chair for the party I solicited the help of the best helper ever (Cameron) to work on the goodie bags for the party.  He was fantastic as always.......truly such a good helper!

Here are photos of us getting ready for the party, the Christmas program and the class party.  Whew.....we are ALL tired now!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'