
A Weekend of Firsts

WOW!!! That's all I can say.....what a weekend.  Jammed packed fun for us.  Dinner with friends on Friday night, Cameron's first skating outing and then Cameron's first Atlanta Braves Game with Daddy.  

One thing I can say about Cameron is that he never gives up when trying something new.  He might get frustrated while doing it (in fact, he often gets frustrated and so do Jante' and I - LOL) but he keeps trying.  He was no different this weekend with skating.  I laughed more than I laughed in a long time.....one of the funniest things I have ever seen!  But after all the laughs the kiddos had a blast.

Then it was time for Cam and Daddy to attend their 1st Atlanta Braves baseball game together.  Cam was so excited!!!!  The weather could not have been more perfect for the boys.  From the pictures you can see they enjoyed themselves.  Cameron only made through 6 innings but they agreed it was a great Father/Son event that would happen more often.


Last Summer Vacation

Well, well, with the summer ending, Glenn party of 3 took our final summer vacation to the beach.  Each year since Cameron has been born we have gone to a different beach in the hopes that we can find the perfect beach where we can do our annual beach vacation.  This year we were planning to go to Amelia Island (since we have heard great things).  However after talking to my old boss (Debbie Miller) she convinced me that San Destin Beach is where we needed to go. 

Debbie and her family have had a house in San Destin for approx. 14 years.  She has been offering her house up to us to use for years and this year we decided to take her up on that offer. 

So off to Destin we go.......An easy (really smooth) 5 1/2 hours later we arrived and we were extremely surprised and excited to see some of the most beautiful beaches ever!  The weather was perfect (except for rain on the last day), the water was warm and the house was gorgeous!  Oh...and did I mention the shopping?  Not a bad thing to do in the rain. 

As you can see from the pictures Cameron had a great time.  Glenn party of 3 will certainly be back!


First Day of Pre-K

The day has finally come......can you say TEARS????????  I made it through the day but it was tough! As you can see Mr. Cameron was Pre-K ready!  Backpack, blanket and all!  Our baby is growing up too fast!

As you can see we had his board ready for his first day of "Pre K".  He was SO proud of this board.  (As you can also see we had to go back over his name in a marker because the red pen was too light). He was clear with me that "I need to do it over mommy because you can't see it on the picture!" - so when we got home that's what we did.  We certainly know what to do for next year.

We had a chance to visit with his new teachers (Mr. Mark and Ms. Sanethia) and we know they will do a GREAT job getting him ready for Kindergarten.  Cameron says he is most excited about the Math, Writing and Kitchen centers.  I snapped a few pictures of him while "focused" on a few new site words - these kids were hilarious!

As you can see (last picture) they have homework already! And honestly that is the hardest bible verse EVER for a 4 year old!!!!! But I'm sure he can do it!

Here's to a GREAT year for Mr. Cameron!!!!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'