
Fun at Fun Junction

This was the FIRST weekend in a LONG time in which we had great weather!  No rain in site, so we headed to a day outside full of fun.  This lead us to Fun Junction.  Here Cameron could get his fix......mini-golf (yes baby Tiger), rides and of course snacks.  While he didn't beat Jante' in mini-golf, he sure gave him a run for his money!  This little one truly enjoyed himself, we know because by the time we were out of the parking lot of the park, he was OUT like a light!!!



Can he do it? Of course he can!!!!

I have to admit, I have been dreading this day for a while.  As a mom on one child I am the MOST over protected parent you could imagine.  So when Jante said, "let's go ahead and take the training wheels off" (his bike) I cringed!!!!

But considering he is past 4 I realized I needed to suck it up and get with the program.  So to Nana's house we go.....to prepare.

As you can see he was extremely protected from his MANY falls and there was some frustration on both the part of Jante' AND Cameron. But at the end, he did it (and honestly it only took him like 15 minutes).  Now we just have to keep practicing and he will be popping wheelies all over the place!


Happening Now

This weekend was a very rainy & chilly weekend....to add to that combination Jante' had to work! So Cameron was forced to do all indoor activities.  He had been asking to see the movie Turbo and so we went to check it out! (Planes is next).  We also spent some time crafting and coloring.  I am so proud of Cameron for his coloring and staying in the lines.  Except for the long black scratch on the paper (sorry about that, I moved the table by accident), his picture is a piece of artwork (at least that's what his daddy and I think)! LOL!



As another weekly activity Cameron and I joined Preston and his sister Pria (and mom Keisha) for an afternoon of fun.  Skyzone is an indoor trampoline center and boy was it fun.  Cameron had so much fun but so did mommy!! I felt like a kid myself! The pictures did not come out great because of all the movements but from the videos you can see we had a blast!


Visit From Auntie Tiffy

Happening Now......

Cupcakes with Auntie Tiffy, celebrating......she just got engaged!!!!  You can't see the rock in this picture but it is GORGEOUS!


Project Time

The past 2 weeks at school Cameron and his friends have been focused on making projects out of recyclable items.  So for show and share this week Cameron was asked to bring a craft to school that was made out of some of these recycled items. Our challenge.......I found out Thursday at 4:30pm (it was due on Friday)!!!!  So like many other parents Jante' and I were trying to come up with a clever yet cool craft at the last minute.

Cameron was adamant that he wanted to create a guitar!  A guitar????? Thank goodness we had a guitar at the house that we could use as a sample.  So we much help from Daddy we were able to create a guitar out of a old box, some old string and old buttons.

He was one of the stars of the class!!!!!!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'