
The Parties Continue........

We are on the home stretch.......as for parties!  It is that time of the year when all the kids in Cameron's class are turning 4.  And of course Mr. Cameron LOVES to go to his friends parties.  Therefore each Saturday (and some Sunday's) we have been really enjoying ourselves.

The week we went to Cameron Field's bday party.  It was GREAT.  The party was Superman themed so you know the boys loved it.  But what I loved most was that the party was at the Atlanta Puppetry for Arts center.  This was our first time there but certainly not our last.  This spring/summer at the Puppetry for Arts are focused on Negro plays/stories that were created and told while working in the fields during slavery by slaves.  Great music, dancing, and singing!!!!  Can't wait to take Cameron back.


His First Movie

You all know that Jante and I LOVE the movies and Cameron loves watching them with us.  Since our big boy is now 4 we decided it was time to show him what a real movie theater was like.  It was perfect timing since the Croods (#1 movie right now) came out. 

Honestly, Jante' and I had a wager....how long would he last before saying "I'm ready to go now", the running wager for 45 minutes.  Well, well to our surprise that baby boy was engaged the ENTIRE movie (90 minutes).  We were so proud of him.  No complaints at all.  Just eating his popcorn and eyes glued to the screen. 

Looks like we are now ready for the next Glenn Family Movie Night!!!!


Happening Now

Well, it is that time again.....time for Cameron's annual check up.  And of course that means SHOTS!!!!  As usual I tried to prep him for what was coming and he was the perfect patient.  That was until he saw the needles!!!!!!  I'm amazed at how the nurses calm kids down.  When the nurse went to get blood from his finger he was scared to death.  But she told him that she was checking to see if he had Spiderman blood.  You should have seen how that boy got so excited!!! He was happy to have her prick his finger. 

It wasn't necessarily that easy when she went for the bigger needle toward his leg.  We made it through but check out this quick video of him limping after it was over.  Drama king!!!


I can't believe it!!!! He's 4!!!!!!!!!!

You all know I try to be as "lite" as I possibly can when writing on this blog.  I try not to get too sentimental - mainly because I know most of you really just want to see the pictures and you don't have time to read a very long post!  (LOL) However tonight Jante' and I had a very serious conversation about how Cameron has completely changed our lives!

We talked about how 4 1/2 years ago we had no idea that this smart, handsome, charismatic, energetic and most times rambunctious little boy would bring us so much joy.  I know it's cliche to say but neither of us could imagine our lives without him.  When he (for no apparent reason) comes up and hugs me and says "Mommy I love you so much....or Mommy I love you 100" it MELTS my heart!!!! (btw, he thinks 100 is the biggest number possible). He is truly our blessing!!!

Okay.....on to the less sentimental things.........the BIG party!!!

All I can say is WOW!!!  What a day!!!  After approx. 5 months of planning the big day was finally here.  You should know by now that Jante' and I LOVE planning for Cameron's party and this year was no different.  Once we decided it would be a bowling theme momma when into full planning mode!  Jante's role from that point on was to do what I asked him to do.....and of course he agreed.  In fact this time he was more involved because Bowling was right up his alley.

Because we were at a venue we were limited on the # of kids that could attend.  Because of that we decided to have the actual bowling party just for Cameron and his friends and then we had a gathering at the house for the family. 

I have to say while it was a GREAT day and the kids had a blast I was a little disappointed in the fact that I left my camera at home (can you believe it....the scrapbooker without a camera....especially after all the work momma and daddy did!).  So I had to depend on Renee (my sister in law) to use her camera phone to take pictures.  The bowling alley was a cosmo bowling place so all of the lights are out....which made it even more difficult to see the pictures!  However, you will get the gist.......Lots of hard work and planning went into this and it was ALL worth it. 

And yes, just in case you wanted to know....we already have 2 ideas for next years party....either a Race Car theme or Pizzeria Parlor themed.....YEAH!!!!


Update Soon

Okay I promise I will update soon........in full party planning mode.....


Harlem Shake

As I am sure you have seen, the Harlem Shake is the new craze........this is what I what I get when I send my child to spend the night with his Nana and his cousin.  Too funny!


Happy Birthday Song for Mommy

That baby is singing his heart out for his mommy's birthday.  As his mommy all I can say is this is the sweetest thing I have EVER heard !!!!


Happy Easter Everyone!!!!!!!!

What a great Easter this year.  This is the first Easter that we could really have deep (well, kinda) deep conversation with Cameron about the true purpose of Easter.  For weeks now we have been watching The Bible and at this age of course he has TONS of questions.  Who is Jesus?  Who is God?  Why are they spanking him? You can't walk on water, etc.  The questions go on and on.  But we love it!!!!!  I said keep 'em coming.

From the school Easter Egg Hunt to the Hunt at Nana's church to the Annual Easter play at church it was truly a remarkable "From Friday to Sunday" weekend! (the name of the sermon for the day).

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'