
It's time for a Big Boy Bike!!!!

Well the day has finally come.....it was time to get Cameron a big boy bike. Or was it? Cameron has been talking about a big boy bike for about a month now. All of his little friends (which are almost 4) has one. Of course he doesn't realize that he is not as old as they are so all he cared about was being like his friends!

Jante and I talked about it and decided after dinner we would take him to get one.  When we told him he was TOO excited (see the first pic). We got some great advice from the bike shop man and headed to pick one out.

We were told that most kids don't ride well until the age 4. Well that myth was dispelled! Early this morning we were up and out riding! Based on how well this 3 year old is doing I'm claiming he will be off his training wheels by age 4! You know I'll keep you posted!


It's a Luau!!!

To celebrate Hawaii week at school Cameron's class had a class Luau.  Ms. Christian and Ms. Elizabeth got the kids dressed up in their Hawaiian (craft) clothes and decorated for the party.  Their were tons of fruits and snacks to go along with the theme.  Cameron looked so cute in his hula skirt (until he wanted to take it off).  I love it that his teachers invest so much time in them and allow them an opportunity to express themselves (both academically and in a fun way).  We love Ms. Christian and Ms. Elizabeth!


More time with Grandaddy and Auntie

Cameron was so excited when we told him we were going to visit his Grandaddy and Aunt this weekend.  While there he put on a show for us (as usual) and had a ball playing with his Auntie.  I told him he has been to AL so many times that he is becoming a native Alabaman! 


Good at another sport!!!

Yes, yes....I have to admit Cameron is good at another sport.....Bowling!  I am continually amazed at how well this little boy does at different activities!  Really, I know he is only 3 years old but when I look at the coordination and concentration that he has when it comes to sports I am astounded.  He really does have the coordination of a kid at least 5 or 6 years old. 

This week we took Cameron bowling (our first time) and we had a blast.  Now it's been a long time since Jante' and I have gone and so I can't saw we were too good at it but we were more surprised that Cameron was so good.  As you can see from the score he was MUCH better than his daddy!  You go Cam!!


Family Fun

Cameron had his Auntie Michelle, Auntie Faye and Cousin Brittnay come visit him this weekend.  Once again it took about 1/2 day before he started to "warm up" to them.  (I have no idea what that's about)  But yet again, after the "warm up" was over....it was full steam again with him being ALL over the place.  He especailly enjoyed his time outside with them.  And yes, by the time they left he was looking like a sad face puppy!


Cook Out Time

On the 4th we went to Nana's house for a cook out.  As if the hot dogs, hamburgers, ribs and chicken were not enough, Cameron gave us something more than we came for........A Show!  He was in rare form today.  He sang every song that came on the radio (and some that didn't come on the radio).  He used a Febreeze can  as his microphone.  I guess I now know something else Santa can bring him for Christmas. 


Tennessee Aquarium

We have committed to getting out more and seeing some of the attractions close to Atlanta.  So we decided to take Cameron to Chattanooga for the weekend.  Besides the fact that it was the warmest weekend in the past 9 years (record setting heat) we had a great time.  For those who have not been, Chattanooga is a really cool and clean city...the downtown area was great.  Great food too!  Can't wait until the next Glenn weekend getaway!


Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'