
Happening Now

Cameron and McKenzie both with "fresh" haircuts.



At the early age of 26 months Cameron is involved in MULTIPLE extra-curricular activities at his school! I know, don't talk about us but we just want to expose little Cameron to as much as we can - LOL.
We signed Cameron up for 2 activities that he does weekly in addition to his "water park" time. Those activities are The Bus Fair and Playball. The Bus Fair is a mobile "gym" in a bus that helps promote fitness and builds strength in kids. Cameron LOVES the Bus Fair - besides the fact that it is a big Purple Bus, he gets to jump around in balls and swing from the ceiling! It's quite funny to watch.
Then we have Playball, this is his favorite! Playball helps kids focus on hand-eye and foot-eye coordination and balance. It basically teaches the basic sports skills, so of course he enjoys this. Today he received a Playball t-shirt because he was the best "kicker" in the 2-3 age group. When we got home he didn't want to take it off! He wanted to keep "Practice Mommy" and kick and hit his "big blue ball". I'm so proud of my baby - a pro athlete in the making!


Word/Phrase of the Day

Jante' and Cameron have their "bonding" time in the mornings before school. While mommy is getting dressed for work daddy gets Cameron ready for school. They have this "thing" where Jante' teaches Cameron the "word" or "phrase" of the day - each day. Today the phrase was "No-biting". To make sure he remembers this and doesn't bite his friends I told him to read his no-biting book on the way to school. As you can see Cameron really had no intentions on reading this book, only paying attention to everything else going on around him. The book is only like 7 pages, you would think it could keep his attention span a little longer than 3 minutes!..... Not so much!


Micheal Jackson's biggest kid FAN!!!

There are not many TV shows that Cameron likes other than his Disney favorites and Matlock (because mommy watches it everyday). That is until he discovered Michael Jackson's "This is It". As adults we all know that Micheal Jackson was the King of Pop, but for a 2 year old to be in LOVE with his dance moves is hilarious!
I didn't think anything of it the first time I happened to have the TV on while "This is It" was playing. I noticed Cameron was watching it but when I went to turn the channel he went CRAZY (see Video #3 below for a MJ melt-down example). Every since then each night after bath he wants to watch "Micheal Jackson on TV mommy!" You really have to be watching MJ doing his moves at the same time as Cameron to appreciate it but these video's will give you a snapshot. Check out Cameron (and Mike) in action.
Cam singing along
Beat It
The Melt-Down


Happy Father's Day

What a WONDERFUL Father's Day at the Glenn house. We know how much boys LOVE their fathers and it's no different with Jante' and Cameron. I LOVE to see them together because Cameron absolutely adores Jante'. This Fathers Day we were able to spend some quality time together by taking Jante' to lunch and then get our dinner "grub" on by grilling out at his Mom's.
This world is chock full of craziness. I watch quite a bit of reality TV and I talk to many people and afterwards I often think how blessed both Cameron and I am to have such a great man in our lives. He truly epitomizes what it is to be a true husband and father. His dedication to giving us everything we could ever want by working hard everyday is to be commended!
Jante', Cameron and I love you so much! Happy Father's Day!!!
My boys resting in front of the TV
Cookie Time
The boys throwing rocks
Cameron waiting for Daddy
My Boys


Scrap Happy

Jante' hates when I do this but it is actually quite funny to me. Here are a few shots of Cameron helping me scrapbook. I see nothing wrong with it. Afterall, Archievers (the world's #1 scrapbook store) was founded by 2 MEN! I say, Cameron honey - go make mommy some money! LOL!


Chestatee Wildlife Reserve

Each month the local newspaper publishes a magazine with "Things to Do with Children" in the local area. I had a chance to review it and found several places I thought would be great to take Cameron. This month the magazine featured a place called the Chestatee Wildlife Reserve that looked amazing (on paper). Cameron loves animals and we do too. So today after church we decided to take him.........
Okay all I can say is......REALLY..... Great concept, not so great execution. First of all it was in the middle of NO-WHERE. Secondly, the $25 that we paid for entrance into the zoo is supposed to go to food for the animals. However it looked like the animals had not eaten in WEEKS (see the camel as evidence)! Really, we saw a goat rummaging through a bucket (that should have had food in it) but the bucket was empty! All we could say was "poor goat".
I will say it was fun for Cameron to be so close to the animals but the animals really needed to be taken better care of. We can say we went and supported the cause but trust me when I tell you, we will not be returning to the Chestatee Wildlife Reserve. LOL!


Family Time

Cameron had a chance to spend some quality time with his twin cousins today and he LOVED it. AJ and Lexy are about 5 months older than Cameron but Cameron can hang with no problem. When they arrived at Auntie Margaret's house they were a bit reserved (Cameron had not seen them in about 6 months). But it didn't take long before Cameron and AJ were all over the place and all over James (their dad, Jante's first cousin). Lexy being the sweet little girl she is had the boys in check. She made sure they cleaned up when they were supposed to and played fair with each other. It was too cute to watch.


Happening Now

Once again Cameron was hiding from Mommy. When I called his name he started screaming, "Look Mommy". How easily he entertains himself.


A Visit to Dr. Kwon

During Cameron's 18 month check up Dr. Pitts talked with us about Cameron's "teeth brushing" habits. He informed us that most kids have their first dental appointment between 18-24 months. I honestly meant to schedule Cam's appointment for just before his 2nd birthday but things got crazy and I forgot! (I'm not a bad mommy I promise)
So during Cameron's 2nd year check up I asked for a recommendation for a pediatric dentist and we were able to get an appointment for this week. Even though we had not visited the dentist before I felt pretty good about Cameron's teeth. We do a really good job of making sure we brush and floss his teeth daily. But you never know so I did have some anxiety going into the appointment. Additionally because Cameron is QUITE active, I was certain this visit would be a tough one.
Well to our surprise Cameron did GREAT!!!!!!! I mean he was like a dental champ. Really, the dental hygienist and dentist were SO impressed. Before the d.h. started she informed us that most 2 year olds #1 don't want to even get in the chair and #2 she normally doesn't actually get to clean (and by no means floss) the kid's teeth on the first visit. She said normally its just poke around -if she can- and put some fluoride on their teeth. But our baby let her do EVERYTHING, clean, brush, floss and poke around! And she was also impressed with how his teeth looked. They both said we have done an excellent job with Cameron. We told them that it's really Cameron who is doing all the work, he is the one that will not get in the bed at night without "brush teeth mommy".
Check him out!!


Future President

Auntie Tiffy just returned from a month long break visiting her family in DC. While there she picked up the cutest plate I have EVER seen for Cameron. Here's to one of our future presidents! TOO CUTE! Petty, thanks so much.


Happening Now

After a quick trip to Target, my child HAD to have this ball before leaving. Of course mommy didn't want a temper tantrum so I bought it. Now look at where it is......LOL!


From Kiawah Islands.... to Lake Lanier......

Well family, we are back from the Glenn family beach vacation!!!!! As most of you know Jante' and I had planned this WONDERFUL beach vacation to Kiawah Island for our first of summer vacation. Kiawah is truly one of our favorite places to visit and in fact we have decided we WILL purchase a vacation home there (hopefully one day soon). Well folks, we never made it to Kiawah! I know, what happened. Let's just say it was all my fault. I got a phone call late Friday for a last minute meeting for work on Wednesday - one I could NOT miss. So here I am scrambling at the last minute to try to find somewhere for us to go. I could not disappoint my sweet baby after 2 weeks of him saying, "beach mommy, beach!"
So because we are so close to Lake Lanier I decided to check out what was going on there. Luckily for us I was able to make a reservation and get one of the villas for a few days. While it was not Kiawah it actually turned out really nice, kind of a "stay-cation" for us.
Even though Cameron got bit by a bee while relaxing on the deck, he had a BLAST! We took full advantage of the walking trails, the beach and the waterpark. We took a trip out to the Lake Lanier stables because he kept saying "ride the pony daddy" but when we got to the pony he wouldn't even get out of Jante's arms. The lady at the stables said that this is normal for a 2 year old but by the age of 3 we wouldn't be able to get him OFF the pony.
Things learned.......
It's interesting how kids go through phases and change so quickly. A few things we learned as we prepare for our next family trip.....
1. ALWAYS take plenty of juice and milk with you vs buying from room service, otherwise they will charge you $15 for one glass of milk and one glass of apple juice!
2. Make sure we stay in a suite....who wants to go to bed at 8pm with the baby. You need another room to stay up late with the hubby in (lol). We have always done this but it is important now more than ever because he is quite nosey now...if you know what I mean!
3. I slept in the bed with Cameron for the first time, NEVER again....that baby was ALL over the bed. Next time it will be separate beds for sure!
Last but not least don't ever wait until the last minute to book a trip again, rates are OUT OF CONTROL, especially on a holiday weekend. The resort could care less that you had a work meeting that could not be missed. Lol!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'