
Big Trouble in Little "Creme"

This has been a CRAZY busy week at the Glenn's! It's been so crazy because I got 2 separate phone calls this week from the Director (or shall I call her Principal) of Creme'. Cameron got sent to the principle's office (TWICE)! Yes you heard me correctly. He is going through a "phase" where he is being, well let's just say, a bit aggressive with his "friends". When Mr. Cameron wants something (anything) he will do whatever it takes to get it - even if it means scratching or screaming. Cameron is a great little boy, he really is one of the sweetest boys you will meet. So I have no idea where this is coming from. I have talked to several parents and they tell me not to worry that it does happen (to some kids) but REALLY? At 22 months! Is this the first sign of terrible two's? I don't think I am ready.
Jante' and I have been working with Cameron this week. We most certainly don't want Mommy to be called to the Principal's office again! But we are not going to fret, we know with some work at home and some prayer things will be back in order in no time.
Because we didn't want to make this week a week full of pure punishment for Cameron we decided that after getting "prayed up" at church we would go for a nice family stroll at the local nature preserve park. We had a great time and trust me, we needed it! Cameron also let off some steam by running abound and after me and his dad. Now we are thinking he might be a track star. What ever he ends up being let's just hope it is NOT a contact sport!
Mommy's sweet baby (today)
Flying time with Daddy
On your mark
Water break
Snack time
Keeping Cam in his lane
Back at it with Daddy
Running circles around his dad
My Boys

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'