
More House Shoe Fun

Since I bought these house shoes for Cameron a few days ago he has been overjoyed! He only wants to keep them on for a few minutes and then he pulls them off but for those few minutes he has them on he is enjoying every minute of it! I think he just likes that they look funny on his feet.


Hand in the Cookie Jar

So everyone knows that Jante' and I LOVE our "snacks". I wondered if Cameron would pick up this (bad) habit from us. Surprisingly while he likes snacks - he only likes certain snacks. Nothing cold (so ice cream is a no-no), no cookies (unless it is Lorna Doone shortbread cookie) and no cakes (so when I make all those cupcakes I have to eat them myself!) However when it comes to regular Cheetos and Rice Crispy treats - it's a wrap! When I ask if he wants a snack he shakes his head yes and says "cracker" (because everything is a cracker now-a-days). Luckily for him mommy can translate that baby talk into what he really means. Here he is with his hand in the "cookie jar".


New House Shoes

I have been looking for Cameron some house shoes for a while now and had not been able to find any really "cute" one.......UNTIL Today! I LOVE them! He loves them too. Check him out.


Entertained Easily

It's funny to think about but kids are entertained by the simplest things! Cameron LOVES to laugh (even when things are not funny - like biting my finger). Check out these two videos of Cameron being easily entertained by me and Jante' blowing bubbles. Needless to say I am a better "bubble blower" than Jante. (sorry about the first video being a little blurry).


Future Hall of Famers

I know it's been almost a week since I have posted pictures (please forgive me, mommy was out of town). I will tell you though I missed Cameron SO much. This was the first time I have been away from my sweet baby 4 nights in a row! He was in good hands with his Daddy and Nana but I sure did miss him.
Even though I was extremely tired, I am happy that we were still able to do our weekly outing. This week we went to see McKenzie play in his Homecoming Football game. McKezine did a great job and they won their game 40 to 0! Cameron was in AWE watching his cousin play. It was great to see. Jante' says that Cameron will be just like his cousin - a future Hall of Famer!


Zoo Atlanta

To take advantage of the great weather we took a trip to Zoo Atlanta. Because we went late in the day it was basically us and animals (meaning not huge crowds of people). Cameron LOVED seeing all of the animals. We had a great time! Here are a few pics from the day.


Pics of the Week

The weather has been GREAT over the past few days. Because of this we had to take advantage (especially after months of 90+ degree heat). Here are a few of my favorite pics of the week from the park with Cam and Jante'.


Glenn Family Reunion 2010!!

Hello Blog buddies, I know we have been gone for almost a week but we are BACK! About 5 months ago I kept hearing Tom Joyner talk about the TJ Family Reunion 2010 at Disney and it seemed as if they would have SO much fun. Then not even a month later I was listening to Michael Basiden and he was talking about his Family gathering at Disney the same weekend (Labor Day). I knew then we had to join the fun. So that lead to the 1st Glenn Family Reunion at Disney World Orlando. We had a BLAST. Great resort (our suite was fabulous), tons of activities and great food. (I highly recommend this trip for any black family that can afford it). Unfortunately Jante' and aunt Margaret was not able to join us (they were holding things down at Wing City2City) but we sent them plenty of pictures while we were gone.
Cameron had a great time as well but I must say I think he is going through the Terrible Two's early! He is starting to want you to "carry" him everywhere you go. Nana was there so of course she fell prey to his manipulation. In addition to him wanting to be carried around, we went off property one night for dinner and he CUT THE FOOL on me! He did not want to sit in the high chair at all. I literally had to take him out of the restaurant. From what family says, this is a "phase" that will pass. Lets hope this ends soon. I just couldn't believe it because he has been such a sweet baby. Umm, I guess he is not my baby anymore. Keep your fingers crossed that Momma doesn't go crazy waiting on this phase to be over!
While on the trip I took tons of photos. I lost several of the photos (long story) but here are a few of my favorites that I didn't loose.


Mommy and Me

I'm going to start calling Cameron Mr. Social. We spent some time with his friends from the Mommy and Me group today and he was socializing with all the kids like he has been knowing them forever! While he wasn't able to use the slide, clearly he was watching the big boys and probably thinking "umm, one day soon I'll be able to hang with the big boys".

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'