
Pic of the Week

Cameron loves to carry his backpack when we are going to "school". When I saw what this picture after taking it I knew it would be my "Pic of the Week". Too cute!


Mother Tuskegee

All of you know that Jante' and I met at Tuskegee. It's weird to think about but had Jante' and I not gone to TU we wouldn't even know each other and of course that means no Cameron! So let's just say Hallelujah for Mother Tuskegee! Now that we are back in GA we figured it would be great to take Cameron for a visit to TU so that he could see where mommy and daddy met and start to teach him some of the great history of the school. Rather or not Cameron attends TU is still up for debate in our house but I have to say seeing him there made me think he would fit right in!
We were lucky enough to be joined by Auntie Aliki (who took these amazing pictures - Thanks Liki P) and a good friend from TU Mistee Parker (aka Mistee Love). Mistee also brought her new twins Evan and Ryan (let me tell you TOO cute - as you can see). Even though it was literally 103 degrees - we had a great time. After a tour and pictures at TU we had lunch to get caught up on the joys of Motherhood. Fun times!


Momma's Pic of the Week

Because I am a scrapbooker I ALWAYS have the camera ready - you never know when you will need to take a quick photo. Because of this I am starting what I will call "Momma's Pic of the Week" (basically my favorite picture of Cameron from that week). Here is my Week 1 Pic. Even though folks are giving our President more gray hair than he already has, Cameron is still a supporter.


The Georgia Aquarium

As you know by now, Mr. Cameron LOVES to go (anywhere) and we love taking him! This week we took a trip to the Georgia Aquarium. Oh what fun!!! This is one of the largest attractions in the Atlanta area. I must admit at first I was like, "How much for an Aqarium?" But I now see what all the hype is about. Cameron had a GREAT time, he was yaking and pointing at all the weird fish. We were joined by Auntie Nee, Auntie Chelle, Cousin McKenzie, Cousin Madison and Uncle Doug. We made a "date" to go back in November when the Doulphins will be on exhibit. Looking forward to it!


Cameron is 15 Months!

Can you believe it? Cameron is 15 months old! I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by. I feel like it was just yesterday that we were bringing that sweet baby home from the hospital. Honestly each day I see my love for him getting stronger and stronger. I will watch him sometimes and can't imagine what my life would be without him. Who knew that something so small could bring a person so much joy.
His Progress
Mr. Cameron is a solid 23 lbs and 8oz! Even though I can't really tell but looks like his weight growth is slowing down. He has only gained about a pound in about 3 months. Honestly when I pick him up he feels heavier than 23 lbs! LOL! I told you my baby is solid - remember.....he is a football playing in the making.
He is 30 1/2 inches tall! The doctor says for a boy his age he is doing great! Most boys 12-18 months old range from 22-27 lbs and 27 to 31 inches. So he is slightly lighter and a little taller than most 15 month old's.
He just recently discovered his tongue and so he has been speaking this "weird" gibber jabber language. It's funny because he will look at you and start talking this language like he is really saying something. I have no idea what he is saying but I just say "yes Cameron, that is great, Yea for Cameron". I have to imagine that this gibber jabber is what we sound like to him when we are talking. It's cute but sometimes annoying because he does it so much!
His two favorite things now is pulling everything out of my purse and playing with Prince. When Prince gets tired of him he will go and get in his bed (Cameron will wear him out!) Obviously Cameron doesn't like this so he has to resort to playing with his toy dog. Here is a video of him pulling (or should I say dragging) the toy dog around.


Mayfield Dairy Farm

This week for the Glenn family outing we took Cameron to the Mayfield Dairy Farm for a tour. For those of you not familiar with Mayfield, they produce probably the most popular dairy products in the Southeast (in this case Milk and Ice Cream) and they are known for putting their products in bright yellow jugs and containers.
Cameron is normally really good about behaving when we are out and about but for some reason he was not having it this time! He kept wanting to get out of his stroller and for some reason would NOT keep his hair net on during the tour. Every time we would put the net on his head, he would take it off. Because this facility produces products for actual consumption, we figured most people did not want hair in their milk - so we decided to cut the formal tour short. This meant we needed to find something else to entertain Mr. Cameron (something that would not require a hair net). We found that milking the fake cow and eating some "birthday cake" ice cream did the trick.


Heat Wave

Just like most cities in the US it has been SCORCHING hot here. We have been doing every thing we know to do to keep cool. Because it's been so hot and I know Cameron loves the water I broke down and bought one of those little kiddie pools. Okay so I swore I would never buy one of these because of the image I have in my head about who normally buys them but I realized it's all for the kids (LOL!) Here are a few pictures and a video of him having a BLAST.
Splish Splash


Like Father Like Son

One thing most family members know about Jante' is that he brushes his teeth LITERALLY for 10 minutes at a time. I mean I am all for good teeth but 10 minutes? Really? Well looks like Cameron is going to take after his father. He loves to brush his teeth as well. Here is a shot of Jante' showing Cameron exactly what to do.....My Boys - oh how I love seeing them together.


Happy 4th of July!!!

Another busy weekend at the Glenn household. As I mentioned in the previous blog we had Jante's Family Reunion this weekend. Because we were so tired from the Rib Cook-Off on Saturday we decided to take things a little easy on the 4th. Because we wanted to include Prince in the activities we decided to spend the day at the Park. I mentioned before we live in an area with GREAT parks. This time we decided to try a new one (a great recco from another Mommy in the Chateau Elan Women's Club) and it was even closer - literally 8 minutes up the road and GORGEOUS! We had so much fun. Great weather and plenty to entertain us. After getting back home we planned to let Cameron stay up for the fireworks. At about 8:30 he was DELIRIOUS - so we let him call it a night. Mommy and Daddy watched the fireworks from the backyard. Maybe next year Cameron will be able to hang!


Cameron's Connection

Cameron is the center of everything we do now-a-days. So when my Mother-in-Law (aka Nana) and I decided to enter the Moon Family Reunion Rib Cook-Off I knew the name of our team had to have something to do with Cameron. So "Cameron's Connection" was born. We started planning about a month a go, mastering the rub and the sauce for the ribs and I believe we actually came up with a Winning Combo! The day of the Cook-Off was a long one (set up began at 9am and the tasting wasn't until 3pm) but it was great fun. Cameron and Jante' were there to root us on (and provide suggestions of course). Unfortunately we didn't win but we really did have a great time cooking, laughing and eating. Cameron was our biggest fan and as you can tell he truly enjoyed himself as well!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'