
Colon Cancer Race

As you know we are advet supporters of the Team Echols Foundation!  This week were were able to support them during a Colon Cancer Awareness Undy Run/Walk.  While mommy and daddy pretty much walked the entire race Cameron RAN!!!!!  The WHOLE time!  We were so proud of our sweet boy.  Whew, now we are going to have to step our game up for next year!  We might have to train to keep up!


Roller Blades? Really?

This kid......that's all I can say.  After taking Cameron and Jordan (his BFF) skating and seeing that Jordan knew how to use roller blades, Cameron had to have some himself.  So of course after another good week of school we took him to get roller blades.

What's funny is kids are not afraid of ANYTHING.  He put these things on and away he went!  Clearly he has fallen a lot but he is determined to ride.  I'm proud of my boo-bee!  Too funny!


1st Grade School Performance

Once again, it was time for a great class performance.  This time it was "That Goat Has to Go".  Cameron and the rest of his class did a great job pretending to be farmers, cowboys and goat herders!  All of the parents were so proud of them.  They worked really had for over 2 weeks to get ready.  I was sitting back a little farther than I'd liked but here are a few shots and video from the morning.



Once again, mommy has gotten behind!!!!  I'm so sorry.

Okay quick update......

School is off to a GREAT start!  In fact it's almost time for our Q1 Parent Teacher Conference.  We don't expect any surprises.  We've gotten nothing but great feedback so far (well, except one note from Mrs. Gordon that said that Cameron wasn't using his listening ears and we needed to have a talk with him.  Please believe his daddy gave him a GOOD TALKING TO! And told him we better not get any more notes like that!  Fingers crossed).

Baseball is going SUPER GREAT!!!  Cameron is playing 8U Fall Baseball.  He is 1 of only 2 6 year olds on the team.  Let me tell you, that boo-bee is killing it!  He and his team (which believe me when I tell you these folks are serious) are doing really well.  Right now we are 5-1!  I honestly don't know how we lost that one game but I guess you can't win them all.  Cameron has been playing hind catcher and Short Stop.  He wasn't really feeling the hind catcher position until he learned more about the role.  He's good with it now.  He said he only wants to play positions where "he doesn't get bored".  LOL!  I told him, yes in BB that sometimes happens since it can be a really slow game.

Misc. - we've had some fun trips planned for these first few breaks of school this fall.  New Orleans was great (see pictures).  Cameron stole the show on the alligator Tour as the youngest person to actually hold the alligator.  It was hilarious!

We had a FABULOUS time in Cincinnati.  Cameron finally got to see "where he was born".  We visited some old friends and got a chance to hit our favorite food spots.  Cameron saw the house we lived in and the hospital where he was born.  But the highlight of the trip was to see the Bengals play.  They went into the game undefeated but they were down 24-7 going into the 4th Quarter!  OMG, can you say nail biter?????????  WOW, they pulled it off!  I don't think I have seen Cameron that happy before.  We committed that we would take him to see ALL NFL teams play at least one game.  It's 32 teams so we feel like we can make this happen before he graduates from High School.  2 down, 30 to go!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'