
Happening Now

Cameron and his (new) BFF Jordan playing soccer!  These boys are too funny!


Jr. Robotics

In an effort to continue to expose Cameron to different topics (other than football of course!) this week Cameron did a Jr. Robotics Camp.  Considering his mommy and daddy are engineers it only makes sense to have him spend time understanding the world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (or sometimes Manufacturing)).

Club Scientific was a great way to do that!  He loved it!  The reality is they got to play with Lego's all week (what kid wouldn't love that?)  The interesting thing is they connected the Lego to the computer to tell it what to do.  They built a motorcycle, a car, a dirt bike, a bird and a "flipper".  

I had technical difficulties with my phone but here is a video of one of the projects (the flipper).  Super cute!  Watch closely or you will miss it! LOL!


First Visit from the Tooth Fairy

After 2 weeks of a loose tooth Cameron lost his first one tonight (well actually daddy pulled it but it's gone).  

The tooth fairy visited and she left him $3 (that's the going rate nowadays).  Can you say happy camper?????


Happy 4th!!!!

After a DOWN POUR of rain for 2 days the weather cleared up for a great 4th holiday!  A stay cation at Lake Lanier and a quick visit to another family reunion (this time on Jante's side of the family). Cameron was spending time with his FAVORITE cousin/brother.....McKenzie!

Happy 4th from the Glenn's!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'