
Breaking Ankles!!!!

No words needed!


A Great Afternoon for Putt Putt

It was a great day for putt putt. However I must say, Cameron's golf lessons are NOT paying off.  Mommy and Daddy KILLED him!!!!!  I want to understand where my money is going! Hopefully he is better on the real course!


Movie Night

Movie Night with my boys! Home in 3D.  Very cute movie!


Finally!!! The sun is out!

Happening now.....this is one of the first times there has not been rain since we've been in the new house! Finally! Cameron is taking full advantage of riding his bike in the neighborhood.


Crazy Busy Weekend

These past couple of weekends have been crazy and the coming weeks and this summer will be nothing different.

Friday night was the Big Night Out at Woodward Academy.....Saturday was Cameron's Birthday Bash #6 and today was Will's Bday party at the Braves game.  Whew.....we are all tired!!!!

It was all super fun thought!  All worth it!


Birthday Bash #6!!!!!

I know I say this every year but I can't believe another year has gone by.  When I think of the day we brought this sweet baby boy home from the hospital it seems like yesterday (well maybe 2 days ago).

This year the theme was "Jump"!!!!  We had the party at our local SkyZone.  Mr. Cameron said 6 months ago (after going to Skyzone with a friend) that he wanted his party to be "here".  Well Mr. Cameron, your wish is our command.

Cameron was also very clear that this party was a "boy only" party.  So a combination of friends from the Jeanette Cathy Children's Center and Woodward Academy made for a super fun day.  Great weather and high energy boys was the perfect combination.

Can't wait to see what Birthday Bash #7 looks like!


I promise we are alive

Okay I'm so sorry!!!! I promise we are alive.  As many of you know we made our move to Fayetteville (what we hope to be final move at least until Cameron is in high school)!!!!!  I have not taken a single picture in over 2 weeks!

We've been here about a week now and things are going well (if you discount the fact that I got the worse case of food poisoning the second night we were here and Cameron fell down the stairs and got a HUGE egg on his head last night).  We still have the garage filled with boxes and of course we are months from getting the house the way we want it.  But I will tell you it's been a blessing to be so close to work and school!

We have the big 6th Bday party coming up this weekend and I promise to take some pictures to share.

Catch up soon!!!!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'