
God has been SO good!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Like many of you this year we have so much to be thankful for.  From new roles at work to a great start to Woodward Academy and many new blessings in between.  Unfortunately my family wasn't able to join us this year but of course we had a great time with Jante's family.  (this was the first year the two families have not celebrated together!)

Great food (that Cameron helped make) and thanks to "gray Thursday" we did our shopping online and didn't have to worry about the huge crowds!


Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer

One of our favorite things about the Christmas holiday is watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer with Cameron.  This year will be no different but in addition to watching it on TV this year we got a chance to go to the Atlanta Puppetry for Arts Center to see the puppet show.  It was FABULOUS!!!!  So much like the actual show that we forgot we were not watching it on TV!  All the kids (and parents) were truly entertained!  And those actors....boy were they talented!

Then after the show the kids got a chance to make their on Red Nosed Reindeer and make him "fly" behind the screen.  Super cool!


Turkey Time

Our 2nd school project is complete!!!!!  Whoo Hoo!!!!  This time it was "Incognito Turkey" so he doesn't get eaten for Thanksgiving.  This one was much more fun! And easier!!!!!


Waffle House Time

I live for days like today.  It was the 2nd "Late Start Day" at Woodward for the year.  That means breakfast with my boobie!!!!  And there is no other place I'd rather be than at the Waffle House with him!  I absolutely love this 1:1 time!  This kid is hilarious!


Whew!!!! Another Crazy Weekend!

I honestly don't see how parents with 3 and 4 kids do it!  Our weekends are crazy busy (literally, every weekend).  This weekend was just like all the past.  Something to do each day and very little rest in between.

Saturday was a great time at a place called Tiny Towne (an indoor driving place for kids ages 3-15).  The goal is to help kids learn the rules to driving safely.  It was the cutest place ever and Cameron didn't want to leave.

Sunday.....We can NOT get enough of them!  This time we went to see the Fresh Beat Band at the Fox Theatre.  Once again it wasn't just the kids having a blast but the parents too.  Twist, Shout, Marina and Kiki put on another great show.  They also told us that this was their last tour (what the kids don't know is they are all in their late 20's early 30's) and so it's time for them to move on to other things.  But we should not fret.....they will still be with us but this time via a cartoon.  Here's to more "Having a Great Day"!


Happy Halloween!!!!!

I can't believe it but it is time again for more candy and trick or treating in the neighborhood.  Boy the difference a year makes!  I didn't realize how big a deal Halloween was at Woodward Academy!  So big that Jante' and I had to take off work to attend the festivities.  The weather wasn't as great as it's been the past few years but thank God it did hold up for the party at school and for the first part of trick or treating in the neighborhood.   Trick or treating was cut early because it started to rain but not before Mr. Cameron received more candy to last us for weeks!!!!! Oh and parents, please don't ever buy more than one costume for your kids to wear even if you have multiple parties to attend.  You might end up like we did (with a $60 costume that your child doesn't want to wear because he loves his football one!)

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'