
Happening Now

Cam Glenn get's ANOTHER game ball!  This is #2 this season already!  Our little superstar!!!!


Swim Issues

While I have no pictures for this post I wanted to let you all know what's been going on.  Long story short I decided to get Cameron a personal swim instructor (a referral from a neighbor).  I was thinking this would be great......we have been driving about 35 minutes each week to take him to group lessons.  Since this lady would come to us I decided it was worth the extra money.

Note to all parents out there......all things that sound good are NOT always good!  This has been one of the worst experiences ever.  This lady has been terrible!  Because of her Cameron doesn't even want to put his head under the water anymore.  What?????  How do you swim without putting your head under the water?  Wow!!!  She has made him regress all the way back to 2 years ago!!!!

We have got to figure this out.  I told Cameron, no camps, beach vacations, any summer fun without him swimming.

Please pray for us!


Happening Now

A little afternoon practice!

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the great Father's out there.  Cameron was so excited to spend the day with his daddy on Father's Day.  We had a great time celebrating with Jante'.  Today was all about thanking him for being more that either of us could have asked for.

As Cameron finds his own way through life, I am continually thankful that Jante' has been such a perfect example for him to follow.  I personally "Thank" him for his love, support and dedication to our family.  He is the true meaning of a man and father!  Cameron and I made sure we made him feel as special as possible on this Father's Day!


Woodward Playdate

What a day!!!!  Our first Woodward Academy Playdate!  The goal for Cameron was to meet 3 new friends and the goal for Jante' and I was to meet 3 new parents.  Mission accomplished!!!!  We met some of the coolest families ever (and yes it was more than 3).  We are looking forward to spending the next 13 years with these new families!!!  Fun times here we come!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'