
Family Time

Enjoying a great Friday night with the family at the circus!!!


Happening Now

Can you say Muscle Man?!?!?!?!



All I can say is TEARS!!!!!!  What a beautiful day!  Cameron and his friends did such a great job during graduation today.  From the beautiful songs they sang to them telling the crowd what they will be when they grow up.....they did great!

Mr. Cameron will be a "future football player".....of course!

My heart melts over and over again when I think about how big he has gotten.  He has become such a smart, strong, inquisitive "big" boy.  And most of all he is just a good kid!  When I hear some of the words that come out of his mouth or some of the questions he asks I am so proud!!!  He's kind and sensitive (in a good way) and wants to help all the time!!!  We thank GOD every day for all he has done to allow us to pour into him!!!!

Oh and let me NOT forget his teachers!!!  Mr. Mark and Ms. Cynethia are truly the best!!!!  They have poured into him as well.  I just don't know what we would have done without these two.  They have loved these kids and have worked so hard to instill so much into them.  We will always remember them for all they have done!



We're Here

Okay I know....it's been a few weeks!  Craziness going on.  Out of town every weekend AND getting ready for the graduation.

We have been doing great.  No worries here just can't believe the time has gone by so fast.  Can you believe in a few days Cameron will be graduating from Pre-K.  We have all heard it, "don't blink....Cameron will be out of school before you know it".  Because of that I promise we will treasure every moment!

From visiting Mother Tuskegee to attending cousin Brittany's graduation in Mobile.  We have been "On the Road Again!"

Here are a few shots from the past few weeks.  Take special note of the last two pictures.  First it was one of my favorite pictures of Cameron and Jante' walking into Banneker Hall in July of 2010 (Cameron was 15 months old).  The last one is Cameron and Jante' walking into Banneker Hall last week (5 years old).  All I can say is WOW!!!!!!  Our plan is to go back every 2-3 years and take the same picture to see the progression!!!!!  I LOVE it!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'