
Hello Mickey and Minnie!!!!

WOW!!!!!  Is all I can say.  We have been planning for this trip for over 6 months and the time finally came........Hello Mickey and Minnie!!!!

We have been to Disney World before but because Cameron was only 18 months trust me.... it was NOT the same!  Cameron is at the perfect age to understand, plan for, get excited about and enjoy a trip to Disney.  And with all the research I have done I clearly understand why you really do have to plan for each and every day.  There is SO much to do I see why some people go year after year and still don't get to see it all.

FYI, its too much to type but for any of you parents out there that are planning a trip PLEASE reach out to me.  I have more research and recommendations than you could ever imagine.  No need for  you to do the work, I have done it all for you!  I will say however all the research I did it says that January is a great time to go and I would have to agree 1000%!  The weather was great (75+ degrees during the day and in the high 50's, low 60's at night).  It was scheduled to rain on Monday and somehow we planned it perfectly because by the time we got dressed and out the door the rain had stopped and it was was sunny and perfect!!!

Okay, so the ONLY interesting thing that happened on the trip was while driving down Cameron didn't eat much (and ya'll know us, we had PLENTY of snacks).  Then he says, "Mommy my throat hurts when I swallow".......OH NO!!!!!!!!  Cameron NEVER complains about anything, so we knew something was going on!  So our first stop when we arrived in Orlando was the minute clinic at the CVS.  Wouldn't you know it......our child had strep throat!!!!!

Nurse Susan got Cameron all fixed up with antibiotics and we were good to go!!!  Thank God this only took us off schedule about an hour.  And best of all, Cameron was ready for all that was about to happen.

I can honestly say we had the best time ever!!!  Jante' and I decided that we are not those parents that would need to take Cameron to Disney every year but maybe every other year.  So you know we are now in plan mode as to where the next Glenn Family trip will be!!


Fresh Beat Band - His 1st Concert!!!!

Shout it out, just like a Rock Star!!!!  This is exactly what we were doing tonight with Twist, Shout, KiKi and Marina!!!!  Cameron along with SEVERAL of his friends had a full night!!!  From dinner and games at Dave and Busters to great seats seeing the FBB! It was hilarious seeing these kids dance and sing like rock stars!  The parents are already talking about seeing when the FBB will be back in Atlanta so we can see them again.

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'