
Feast of Thanks 2013

It's that time of year again and time for the JCCC Feast of Thanks 2013.  Like every year the students welcomed their parents for a Thanksgiving lunch where they share what they are thankful for.  As you can see my little one was thankful for his mommy.....So sweet!!!!

At home we have been doing our 30 days of thanks.  Jante' and I always want to make sure Cameron knows that this is the season for giving and expressing how thankful we are for all of our blessings!


New JCCC Center

If you have been reading this blog you know that last year the building where Cameron was in school flooded and they had to go into a temporary space.  You might also remember this was a temporary space because the Cathy family has been building a new building because staff keeps having babies and we are outgrowing our space!!!  Well the time has come where the new center will be opening soon.

Today I had the pleasure of touring the new center (scheduled to open in late January).  All I can say is WOW!!!!!  This place is truly a state of the art facility with amazing features.  I am continually impressed with the amazing work of the JCCC director and all the teachers at the center.  Not only are they amazing with our children but they have transformed these little people into some of the most kind, independent and smart children a parent can ask for!

Some of the features of this new space include an outdoor kitchen (Cameron will LOVE this), a natural play ground and a state of the art classroom layout.  

Check out a few pictures of the new space!!!!

p.s. You will notice (at the end) the kids that will occupy the space had an opportunity to make a permanent mark on the center.  Their handprints and initials will forever be engraved in stone.  Before the space opens an artist will come and "color in" the handprints to make them even nicer!


You're Hired!!!!!

I have been looking for a new Administrator at work and I think I have found him.  You'r Hired!!!!!


Happening Now

So confused......my child says he cold, yet he takes off his shirt and sits by the oven (after we baked cookies) so that him and Monkey Joe can get warm!  Too Funny!


Our 1st Official Field Trip

Tears!!!!!!  That's all I have to say!!!!  The time has come for Cameron's 1st (real) field trip with his class.  OMG!!!!  Can you say extremely excited?  Our house was BUZZING with excitement and it wasn't just coming from Cameron.  I had the opportunity to participate in my first chaperoning activity.

Uncle Bob's Pumpkin Farm.  We couldn't wait.  I was there as soon as the kids walked out the door to the buses.  On the bus I went....taking pictures and making sure the kids remembered the safety rules.  Also making sure they knew the rules for staying with their safety partner (thanks Clayton!)

The weather was great and the kids (and ALL the parents) really enjoyed the day.  A special thanks to Mr. Mark and Ms. Cynethia for getting the kids there and back safe and sound.  And providing a GREAT lunch for all to enjoy.  And thanks Pat for driving....I will nominate you driver of the month!


Happening Now - Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!!!!!!  Another great day of weather for trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.  All the kids (and parents) were out and ready to surprise the kids with plenty of candy and treats.

Our little stealth ninja was the cutest and got PLENTY of candy to last for a while.  And we made home in time to pass out candy to the late trick-or-treaters!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'