
Practice Makes Better

He is SO into this!!!!!!


Happening Now

Every since Jante' told Cameron he would buy him some golf clubs Cameron has been counting the days down.....literally!  Jante' told him the clubs would be here in 14 days, that night Cameron wrote the numbers 1-14 on his board and planned to erase each number until the clubs were here.  Well lucky for him the clubs came early so we decided to surprise him.  Check it out!


That Arm

That Arm.....hmmm, that's all I have to say!


Happening Now

We have such a giving son.....I love it.  And honestly, this was not my idea!


T Ball Season End Luncheon

All good things must come to an end........and so it was time for Cameron's 1st TBall season year end luncheon.  It was the cutest thing ever!!!!  All of his TBall buddies were there to celebrate.  Coach Alexis and Coach Jerry did a great job with recognizing all the kids for a memorable season.  Now Cameron can't wait to play Football this fall with many of his TBall friends.


A Visit to See Grandaddy

Many of you know already but my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer a couple of weeks ago.  While no one EVER wants to hear that you have the "C" word, prostate cancer is one of the slowest progressing cancer's there is.  That coupled with the fact that in most cases having the prostate removed can lower your risk drastically we are all optimistic.  Cameron and I decided we would go to visit him and go to his doctors appointment with him to make sure everything would be alright.  We took a quick trip to AL to be with him and we had a great time.  Even though it was a quick visit that didn't stop us from getting some of our favorite treats/eats (no place like home) and having a little fun while there.


New Hobby

This blog is full of posts of me talking about how Cameron LOVES all things Sports!!!!!  Well people, we have another pass-time to add to the list......RUNNING!!!! Yes, Cameron is now wanting to add running to the list of MANY things to do.  It all stared while watching the Disney channel.  They have a segment where they feature kids from different parts of the world and have them talk about what they love or love to do.  A few weeks ago we saw one with a young boy who has been running since he was 3 years old! He is now 6 years old and runs 5K's and is training for more.  Cameron asked "Mommy, can I do that"?  Of course I said "yes Cameron, you can do anything you put your mind too".  Okay, when I said this I didn't realize he was serious, nor did I realize that I would be the one running with him (for those of you who don't know....I am NOT a runner).  Well at least I wasn't........This has now become my new hobby as well (just in shorter increments).  Jante' decided to go with us today and take a few pictures. 


Food Truck Visit

Not for sure if Food Trucks are a big thing where you are but this is the new food crave in Atlanta.  In fact each little "town" has their own food truck park but the largest food truck park is the Atlanta food truck park downtown.  Today we decided to check it out for dinner.  Can you say, "goody, good"?  All Cameron wanted to do was get to the dessert!!!!!!!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'