
Quick Update

I know.....we've been missing in action for a few weeks.  I apologize.  I have to say it's been an interesting couple of weeks.  No one said parenting would be easy and we have learned that over the past few weeks.  Mr. Cameron (our sweet, sweet child) has NOT been the sweet child we know him to be over the past few weeks.  Everything from kicking his teacher, to not laying on his cot during quite/nap time.  For almost a week everyday we were receiving a phone call saying that Cameron was acting out!  It's been crazy because he is not doing any of these crazy things at home. 

After much prayer, many spankings and plenty of conversations we are seeing some progress.  Please pray for us!!!!!!!  We are hoping this is just a phase and it will be over soon.

Now, realistically that didn't stop all of the many activities around the house. Here are a few pics from a Mardi Gras party we went to last week.   

Daddy getting Cam's bike ready for the pararde.


Great Wolf Lodge Visit

The year is starting off with a bang!!!!  As we committed (new years resolution) we took our first 2013 Southeast Adventure to the Great Wolf Lodge in Concord, NC.  Being the little "fish" that he is, Cameron was so excited when we told him he would be able to swim and play indoors until his little heart was content! Two and 1/2 days of splashing, sliding and getting soaked made for a happy boy!

To my friends with kids.....this is a GREAT spot to relax, swim and enjoy.  Please check the website as they have 11 locations across the US. (www.greatwolf.com).  We picked the perfect weekend....the weather was gorgeous and we were even able to visit Auntie Dimples and Uncle Travis while we were there.

This location will certainly be added the SE Adventures list again!


New Year....New Room

He's asked and asked and asked and it was time for mommy and daddy to "give in".......Cameron wanted a Big Boy Room (really meaning a big boy bed!)  So we decided that the New Year would be the time to make that happen.

So the question became....what would the theme be?  Because his room already had a cute mural and colors we had to find something that would match/blend.  And because he loves books and had several Dr. Seuss items already we decided to just take that to the next level.  Nothing fancy but make his room look like that of a 4 year old!  Below are the results.  Before and after.....




Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year family and friends!!!!!  We are so excited to be here, happy, healthy and looking forward to a wonderful new year!

We try not to make a ton of resolutions because like most other Americans by week 3 we have already broken them!  But this year Jante' and I did a little exercise where we had to write down (separately) 3 things that we wanted to focus on for 2013.  Interestingly enough we both had "being happy/happiness" on our list.  As we talked about why we put this particular item on our list we started to reflect on the families of those that lost loved ones at Sandy Hook Elementary School about a month ago.  While tragedies happen often this particular one really had a special place in our hearts because children were involved.

This caused us to think about how we can be happy EVERY day!  We are so amazingly blessed and often times I think we forget this and don't take the time to enjoy the simple things.

With that said, we committed to doing several Family Fun activities this year.  We started with updating the Glenn Family Calendar (just through March, working a quarter at a time).  A few of the new ideas include:

  • New Restaurant Fridays (trying a new kid friendly preferably local restaurant every other Friday)
  • Glenn Bowling Night (once a month, Cameron is actually better than Jante' - LOL)
  • New South East Adventure (once a month adventuring to a new fun adventure in the south east, preferably overnight...Cameron LOVES staying in hotels....I wonder where he gets that from)
You are sure to see several pictures from our adventures!!!  We started this New Year with Chuck E Cheese one night and the park and Bowling the next.  As you can see, I was right.....Cameron almost beat Jante'.........a few more practices and its a wrap!!!!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'