

This year we decided to go on a "StayCation" to one of Atlanta's best attractions.....Stone Mountain.  We committed to spending more time enjoying all the great attractions that are right in our backyard (especially since people travel from all of the country to visit these places).  We ate a new restaurants and had a blast!  The highlight of our trip was visiting Snow Mountain!  Of course we don't see snow much here in Atlanta and Snow Mountain was a great way play in the snow but then not have to drive in it (lol!)  We made snow men (or at least tried to), drank hot chocolate and tubed down the big mountain.  At first Jante' and I were nervous because we thought Cameron would get to the top and say "I want down" but he rode the tube like a pro!  At the end he did say "I couldn't breve".....that's 4 year old speak for "he lost his breath" on the ride. LOL!


Merry Christmas!!!!!!

Oh how blessed we are!!!!!  Like last Christmas and the Christmas before that and the Christmas before that -  99% of the gifs under the tree were for Cameron (I mean who else would they be for right?) LOL!

We had a great time watching Cameron opening his gifts.  Just the reaction on his face was hilarious.  We could clearly see what he was excited about and what he was NOT! LOL!

This year the big gifts were a Wii (yes, he is into the video games now) and our family trip to Disney!!! I have to tell you I was SO excited about the announcement of the Disney trip that I could barely contain my composure.  We decided to make it a "ReMarkable" announcement.  His box was filled with Disney themed items to "announce" we were going to visit Mickey.  He was OVERJOYED!!!!  And now the countdown begins!

As for the Wii game....he hasn't put it down yet!  Check out the video of him boxing.


Santa is Coming!!!!!!

Boy, can you believe it?  The time is almost here!!!! Santa will be here tonight........

I am not for sure if it's spending time with Jante' watching "Chopped" or just the fact that all of Cameron's friends are talking about baking cookies for Santa but Cameron was ADAMANT about baking for Santa and his reindeer.

So Cameron, Jante' and I got in the kitchen once again.  We let Cameron do 90+% of the work and the cookies really did turn out good.  He even managed to not get egg shells in the batter.  I think we have a little chef on our hands!


Time with Kango

Like in many schools the teachers try to teach the kids about responsibility.  Cameron's class has a class kangaroo (a stuffed toy named Kango) that gets to "go-home" with each kid and spend quality time with the kids.  This weekend was Cameron's weekend to keep Kango.  The interesting part is after Kango goes home with you the kids (parents) are asked to do a report or newsletter to talk about their time with Kango.....can you say extra work for the parents!!!!!!  

Kango went EVERY where with us this weekend.  The best part was because it's almost Christmas Kango got a chance to go to our family pre-Christmas dinner and help open gifts.  I'm sure if he were real he would say he had a blast!  Cameron did a great job watching, playing with and eve
n trying to feed Kango.  

Here is the newsletter that we put together for our time with Kango!


Christmas Party

I can't believe it but our baby boy is getting so BIG!!!  He and his friends are now the "big kids" and so they were able to do their first Christmas play.  I was so proud of our boobie!  All of the parents were SO proud of all of the hard work from the teachers and kids.  Can you say tears!!!!!!  They had BOXES of tissues there for the parents and you best believe they went to great use!


Jooking at 4!!!

This is how it starts!!!!  Cameron shaking 'em at 4!


Christmas Caroling

Similar to this time last year, the kids at the JCCC had their annual Christmas Caroling.  This year it was Cameron's class (the Pre-K kids) took the lead at the concert.  The kids were great!! One of Cameron's classmate's Hayes lead the show with a scripture (that the kids repeated).  Then it was time for the big show.  Cameron has been "practicing" for over 3 weeks.  It all paid off!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'