
An afternoon game of Flag Football

It's been interesting weather these past few weeks....cold, then warm, then hot, then cold again.  So when we had a day of great weather we decided to take advantage of it and head to the park.  This time we chose a different park than we normally go to and afterwards we decided we WOULD be returning again.

This park was full of boys, many around Cameron's age (well he was actually the youngest but he played with them as if he was 5 and 6 like they were).  Jante' served as the coach and they boys played and ran and tackled just like they were playing for a real football team.

We have our new Sunday evening park routine.....at least as long as we have great weather!


Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!

The month of November at the Glenn household is not unlike many other households.  We spend quite a bit of time reflecting on what we are thankful for. We have been blessed beyond measure!!! Words can not even describe how the Lord has provided for us day in and day out.  Great relationships, great family, great friends and great health.  What more could one ask for?!

We pray the same for you and your family!!


Feast of Thanks

It is that time of year again to reflect on our lives and give thanks.  I love the fact that each year as Cameron gets older he understands more and more about these special holidays and what they mean.   

This year during the Feast of Thanks at the JCCC the kids were asked what they are thankful for......Cameron's answer (see the last picture) says it all.  I LOVE it!


Earning his keep

There has been an ongoing debate between Jante and I as to if and when Cameron would start haivng chores around the house.  After much discussion we decided it was time.  Cameron has been "helping" for quite some time now (I believe it's the independant boy that he is ....wanting to do everything on his own).  

I decided to put together a weekly chart of "chores" to help encourage him to do his part each week. In addition to helping him remember which chore he has to do each day it also helps Cameron work on identifing (and spelling) the different days of the week. 

Here he is showing off his weekly chore chart. 



Happy Halloween!!!!

Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!!!!  Well Cameron didn't go that far when going to the neighbors doors but he did make sure he asked for plenty of candy.

The evening started with us having a party in the cul-de-sac for the kids.  Jante' and Stephani were on the grill and there was plenty to go around.  After eating all the kids headed in to get their costumes on. Next you had all the kids coming to the doors for their treats.  And of course it did not end then........after getting all of their treats everyone was back to the grill and fire pit for more food and smores!

What a great way to spend Halloween with our neighborhood friends.  Fun was had by all!


Time for Learning

With this being an election year we felt it were a great opportunity to explain to Cameron about voting.  They have been talking about it at school and mommy and daddy wanted to keep the learning going.  I told Cameron that he could go with us to early vote for the president.  Because they learned at school that Barack Obama is the current president he just assumed that he would always be the president.  We explained to him that it doesn't work that way and because of this we needed to go vote for him! 

It turned out to be the coldest day this fall!  So we buckled up and headed out to stand in the long lines.  Of course we couldn't take the phone inside but Cameron was intrigued by the process.  He kept asking why the line was "so slow".  We explained that at one point we couldn't stand in this line and now that we can we would stand in it regardless that it was really slow. 

I'm looking forward to 2016 when we vote for the President again.  By then I think he will have a better understanding of what people just like us went through many years ago to allow up the opportunity to vote. God Bless America!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'