
North Georgia State Fair

It's that time of year again!!!!!  The first of Fall........and so of course that means it's Fair Time.  Cameron saw a comercial for the fair on TV and asked a million times if we could go.  So you know this was leverage for Jante' and I.  All week we used the fair as a reason for him to be on his BEST behavior!  It all paid off and Saturday night we were headed out.  Perfect late summer/early fall weather and of course TONS of people.  We loved it.....and what's a fair without games and fair food?  Let's just say anyone who is watching their diet does NOT belong at a fair!


Saturday Night Lights!!!

We all know that Cameron ADORES his cousin McKenzie (or his brother as he calls him) and since its football season we decided to go check McKenzie out in action.  It was great weather (except for the bugs) and of course Cameron was in awh of McKenzie. 

McKenzie plays 7th grade ball now and it was a tough game but the McEachren Indians pulled it off and McKenzie had a few tackles!  8 - 0!  Can't wait until the next home game!


Vacationing with the Boyd's

It's been a few weeks since I was last able to post but of course that's because we have been running like chickens! 

First, a quick update.  Cameron is doing GREAT from his surgery!  He has been recovering like a champ.  No complaints, and more importantly no issues.  We go back to see Dr. Bussey in a few weeks and hopefully Cameron will have a clean bill of health coming out of his appointment!

Labor Day has come and gone and we had a chance to vacation with some good friends (The Boyd Family).  My friend Rhasheda and I have been planning this for quite some time - we had a beach house reserved, plans for the kids for each day and each night as well as a photography session for our Christmas pictures to be taken on the beach.  One week before the trip and what do you know Hurricane Issac was on his way.  We prayed and prayed and prayed (I know....so sad praying for something so silly) but it worked! No Issac and no not even a DROP of rain the whole time we were there.

Between spending time on the beach to staying in the pool until his little fingers looked like raisins Cameron had the time of his life!  As you know he has been taking swimming lessons for a while and those lessons paid off.  It took him a bit to get comfortable but once he did he did not want to get out of the water!  In fact he is doing a much better job now of holding his breath under water.  Hmm, maybe we have a swimmer on our hands.......we will see.

Then came the photo session on the beach.  The pictures turned out great!  Stay tuned for your nice Christmas card to see.

  Fun filled days and entertaining nights!!!! Now we are looking forward to the next vacation!!!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'